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Sadly enough, school had to begin again. What I did like was when I would walk to school and I could smell the crisp, warm autum air and can hear the leaves crunch underneath my feet. It was really relaxing, and I liked to see all of my classmates again. During summer break, Maka, Patty, Liz, and Tsubaki bought me clothes (pants, shorts, short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts) for me to get used to wearing. I'm still wearing my dress, but I decided to wear 'normal' clothes during the weekend to start out with. School started only a week ago, but today everyone was chatting about a new girl. I went to Maka to find out why this new girl was so special.

"Hey Maka."

"Oh, hi. How are you today?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Um, who is this new girl everyone is talking about?" I saw Maka tense up a little before she said anything.

"Uh, she," She looked at Soul for a second and he shook his head,"she is, just a new girl that started to tour the school today. She will be attending our class next week. I'll introduce you to her then."

"O-okay. Is there something bad about her?" She tensed up a little again.

"No, not exactly... I will have to explain it to you later on..."

"Okay." Thats wierd. Whats so bad about this girl?

"It's complicated.... You will have to be introduced to her in a special way I guess," Soul said.

"A special way? Okay, whats her name?" I saw Maka punch Soul and then they were whispering things to eachother. No one ever answered my question, I don't get whats so bad about this girl. The bell rang that signaled that we have 5 minutes until classes started.

"Whats so bad about this new girl," I asked Maka.

"I'll have to tell you later, lets go to class." She grabbed my arm and I was practically 'dragged' to class. We sat in our normal spots before anyone else could take them. All of our classes were about starting the new year and going over some of the new things we'll be learning this year. At the end of the day I could tell that Maka was bothered by something, she seemed really tense. I think its because of this 'new girl'. I wonder whats so special about her and why its so hard for me to get why everyone is avoiding telling me who she is. I don't think that she can be that bad, can she?

"Maka, can you tell me now who this girl is?"

"Uh, how about we go to your apartment and talk about it."

"Okay." I didn't have work today luckily, so I could actually have time to talk to Maka. We walked to my apartment and we sat down and relaxed for a little while before we talked about the new girl. Maka made us tea to calm her nerves.

"Okay, uh, let's see how do I explain this," she was talking to herself.

"Can I know her name?"

"It's Cumo."

"Huh?" Kumo, as in spider? It's pronounced, K-oo-mo. I always thought it was wierdly spelt.

"Yeah, but with a C not a K."

"Oh okay, Cumo." I looked down at my knees for a moment. Why does her name sound familiar?

"Is something wrong Crona?"

"Hm? Oh uh, no nothings wrong. It just sounds familiar, I think."

"I can't tell you anything else about her."

"Wait what, why?"

"Lord Death asked me only to tell you her name." Now I am really worried...

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