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I got up the next morning and showered. It was Saturday so no one was around, I didn't like to shower around other people. I looked down and seen my scar from where Medusa had stabbed through me with her arrow. My back had the same scar. It brought back memories, from when Medusa raised me and thought I was disgusting because I was a boy. She really wanted a girl so she could have a witch daughter, boys can't be a witch (obviously). So in order for me to walk around the halls of the Witch's council, she gave me a dress to look more like a girl. I was born with a slim body somewhat like a girls, which is why so many people ask me if i'm a boy or a girl. I haven't ever changed into normal clothes because I like my dress I guess I got used to wearing it all the time, other than my white tux. I finished the shower, I didn't want to think about the past anymore. I got dressed and decided to hang out at Maka's for a while. I walked to Maka's apartment which luckly isn't too far from the school. I knocked on her door and it took a while for someone to answer. Maka opened the door looking a little sleepy, I wonder if I woke her up.

"O-oh sorry Maka did I wake you?" I asked hoping that I didn't wake her.

"Huh? Oh no you didn't wake me, come in." She invited me in and I stood in her living room as she sat on her couch and yawned. I wonder if I really did wake her up and she didn't tell me the truth.

"Are you sure I d-didn't wake you up? If I d-did i'm s-sorry."

"No Crona, I promise you didn't wake me up, I got up about twenty minutes ago. I kinda overslept."

"O-oh okay. So what do y-you want to do until the p-party?"

"Hmm, not sure, how about we go and get some coffee. If thats okay with you."

"Yeah, its fine." We walked to Deathbucks and got some coffee, I got a small i'm not a big coffee person. We went to the park and sat on the bench as we drank our coffee. We chatted and laughed a little and I remembered what Soul had said yesterday and it made my face hot and go red. I hope she doesn't notice me blushing, she'll probably ask whats wrong. I looked over at Maka and she was enjoying the scenery and her coffee, I wonder if she likes me too. She noticed me looking at her and we both looked away, my face got hot and red again. We continued looking at the trees and the people, I glanced back at her once and saw that her face was red too. Maka was blushing, why, I was the one looking at her.

Later that day at about 11:30 we were both starting to get a little hungry, neither of us had breakfast. We stopped at a restaurant and took some rice to go. We walked back to her apartment and ate there, we had said very little to eachother since we left the park. I finished my rice and waited for Maka to finish hers.

"Crona, you hardly eat anything are you sure your not still hungry?" She asked as she finished her food.

"Huh, oh uh, no i'm not hungry p-promise. But your right I don't eat much. I have gained a little w-weight though, if that helps a-any." I used to be skin and bones, Medusa didn't let me eat much. I have gained a little bit since I came to the DWMA, at least you can't see my ribs as much anymore.

"Yeah, hey Crona you don't mind if we hang out in your room do you?" I instantly blush.

"Uh N-no n-not at a-all." She smiled and we started walking back to the school where my room is. We reached my room and I sat on my bed as Maka looked around a bit. I wonder why she wanted to come here.

"You don't have much to do here do you, so what do you do usually?"

"I usually s-study or walk around the school."

"Oh, you must get lonely being here by yourself."

"Y-yeah, it does. But I usually o-occupy myself with homework or a book."

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