DWMA Party Surprise

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(I own the picture)

Saturday, December 20th. Today is the DWMA party. I woke up in a bright room and I turned over. I half opened my eyes and saw a peacefully sleeping Maka. She looked so dreamy. Her hair flowed over her face and a little bit of drool escaped her lips. I smiled. Home at last.

"Mmm..." Maka murmured as she shifted in the sheets. She rubbed her eyes and gazed at me.

"Hello handsome." she smiled. I felt a little blush rush to my face.

"Hello beautiful." I returned. Her smile grew and she threw a pillow over my face. She giggled and got out of the bed. I removed the pillow and threw it at her as she exited the room. I heard her laugh as she arrived at the kitchen. I got up and put the pillows back in place. I hurriedly put on a grey long sleeve shirt and some jeans, then went to the kitchen after Maka.

"What sounds good? Eggs and bacon, pancakes and toast, cinnamon rolls?" Maka suggested.

"Hm..... How about I make breakfast and surprise you." I said.

"I don't know...." she said picking up a spatula, "Can you handle it?" she teased.

"I think I can. I'm not sure, what do spatulas do again?" I replied. She giggled at me. She handed me the spatula.

"Don't burn anything." she gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked to the couch. She layed down and made herself comfortable. She turned on the T.V. and started to watch 'Sherlock Holmes'. I rummaged in the fridge. I found the ingredients I needed and began to cook. I turned on the stove and set the pan down on the hot burner. I stirred an egg mix and poured it into the pan. I loved the sound of it sizzle and the smell of the eggs cooking. I pulled apart little pieces of ham and added them as the eggs hardened. I quickly cut up some celery, red bell pepper and added them along with some spices to the eggs.

"Smelling good!" Maka said. I smiled and started to mix the batter of strawberry pancakes. I added some cinnamon to spice it up. Once her omelet I created was done, I set it on her plate and waited for the pancake to finish. Once done, I added it along with a fresh strawberry and some whip cream. I set it on the table and went to fetch a glass of orange juice.

"Bon appetit!" I said as I set the glass down next to her plate. She got up from her spot and sat at the table.

"Wow Crona. Thank you." She took a bite of her pancake. "Of course you'd make my favorite pancakes."

"You're welcome. I wanted to make today special." I said.

"Why?" she asked between bites.

"Well, I feel like I need to make up for the time that we missed out on. Plus today is the DWMA party, it's special and I wanted you to be happy."

"Aw Crona. It is special but nothing is more special to me than spending time with you." She got up from her food and gave me a hug.

"Thank you." I said.

"Always." Maka replied. She let go and gave me a big smile before sitting back down to eat her food. She took a big bite and motioned for me to sit and eat too. I finished cooking my food and sat across from her.

"Is it any good?" I asked her. Her mouth was full so she just gave me a big nod. Then she stopped, waited a second, then quickly walked to the bathroom. She shut the door before I heard gagging sounds. I got up from my seat in an instant and tried to enter the bathroom. When the knob didn't turn I realized that she locked it.

"Maka? Are you okay?" I asked through the door. My response was more gagging. I knocked and waited for a response. I'm pretty sure I cooked the eggs all the way. I wonder why she is sick. Does this mean she can't go to the DWMA party? "M-maka?" I was about to knock again but she opened the door with a towel to her mouth.

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