The Infirmary... Again

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I could still feel something on my arms so I continued to punch and throw my arms. I kept my eyes closed. Someone grabbed my hands trying to keep me still but I could feel my fist connect with a face.

"Woah, calm down Crona. Ouch! It's me, Stein." He said. I stopped throwing punches and opened my eyes. My eyes started to tear up. He was holding my hands and the right one had a cast on it. I looked around my surroundings. I'm in the DWMA infirmary. No one but Stein is here, he let go of me.

"I-i'm sorry. H-how did I g-get h-here?" I asked him.

"It's alright. After Justin fought off Giriko, he brought all you kids back here. Giriko got away though."

"O-oh. W-what's today?" I asked. I'm really confused and disoriented.

"October 5th, Thursday."

"What? H-how long have I b-been asleep? When did I wake up?" I asked him. I'm on the verge of crying.

"You were in a mild coma for 3 weeks. This is the first time you woke up." he told me.

"I-in a coma? I'm s-so confused." I couldn't hold it in any longer. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks.

"That's okay, it's normal. How do you feel?" He asked me. I was so lost in being confused and disoriented that I hadn't taken the time to think about that. My shoulder and leg is sore, my wrist hurts and I have a headache. I really took a beating... I examined my hand, this is probably what broke when I fell off of the Golem.

"My leg, shoulder hurt a little. Nothing too bad though. My hand hurts, I think I have a headache." I told him. I looked at his face. His lip was split and bleeding. Now I know why my hand hurts... "Sorry I hit you." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'll have Naigus get you a pain killer. I'll have to run a test for your head, make sure your healing correctly." He said. "Do you want to see Maka?"

"Yes!" I said a little too fast which made me blush. I could hear him giggle a little and he made a couple of phone calls. I looked around the room a little more, there were flowers and cards laying around. I could see that a couple card titles said 'get better soon', others say 'I miss you', etc. I looked at the cast on my leg, it was already drawn on. One deifinitley stook out, Black Star's signature. I could hear the intercom come on saying, "Maka Albarn, to the infirmary." I knew it wouldn't be long before she would be here.

"If your wondering, you broke your right hand and left leg, your shoulder was popped out of place and you hit your head pretty hard. You had a small fracture in your skull and a major concussion. The concussion should be gone by now, but i'll have to run some tests to make sure." Stein said.

"Okay." Is all I said. I can't believe I got hurt so easily, well I guess I can. I'm used to the black blood protecting me and fixing any wounds, but now that it's weak I can't depend on it much. Also, if I was in a coma, then Medusa was a dream. Although the part about some witches being strong enough to haunt people is a fact. Why did I think that was real? I could feel another tear run down my cheek and I started to wipe the tears from my face so Maka wouldn't see when she got here. I could hear her boots hit the floor before she slammed the infirmary door open. As soon as she caught sight of me tears started to flow and she ran towards me. She hit me hard and started to squeeze me in her hug. It hurt a little, but I didn't mind because I was in a coma for 3 weeks and i'm sure she was really worried. She started to bawl on my shoulder.

"I-it's okay. I'm here now." I told her while rubbing her back.

"Don't ever do that again! I was so worried about you!"

"I-i'm sorry. I'll t-try not to." I said. She let go of me and examined my face.

"How are you feeling?"

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