Summer Break

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Today is Friday, the last day of school (for 4 months). I took the final test on Wednesday and got a score of 96%. I was happy with how the school year went (the good parts of it) and how many friends I made. I already loved my job even though today is only my third day working. The only thing i'm not to sure about is the uniforms. I wear something like a black suit, but its not too fancy. I usually end up working from 4 to 8 and get the weekends off, so after school I only have an hour to get to work and after work I only have an hour before I go to bed (usually). But since its summer break, i'll have more time in the day to do stuff. I went to work after school had ended and I said my goodbyes to students and teachers. The work day wasn't bad, we had a rush at about 6 (why would people buy coffee at 6, I have no idea). About an hour later, Maka and Soul visited me and bought muffins. I got some tips, only 15 dollars though (which is a lot in tips). I said goodnight to Mike and went home. Before I went to sleep, I thought about the summer break. What am I going to do? Maka said she would show me some cool things to do during summer break, but what else could I do?

The next morning, Maka already made plans for me and her to go to the park with my other friends and hang out.

"So Crona, how is work going," Kid asked.

"Its good. I like it a lot, just not the uniforms."

"Whats wrong with the uniforms," Soul asked.

"Im not used to them yet, im used to this." I pointed at my dress.

"Well that explains it, I think the uniforms are cute," Patty said.

"Anyway, how about we play some basketball," Black Star suggested.

"That would be cool," Soul said getting up off the bench and walking towards the court. Everyone but me and Liz got up and played basketball. Liz said something about her nails getting broken. I just don't really care for basketball, and at the moment I don't have any clothes that would be comfortable to play basketball in. It was noon when everyone got tired of playing basketball. We all walked to the nearest restaurant and ordered sandwiches.

"So for summer break, I thought that going to the beach would be fun," Maka said finishing her sandwich.

"That definitley sounds like fun," Liz and Patty said.

"Good idea Maka," Kid said.

"Well good, I was thinking that we could go tomorrow."

"Sounds good," everyone chimed. Go to a beach? Which means swimming. I don't know how to swim. I could sit in the waves that come on shore, or even just sit in the sun. We all went back to the park and chatted until it was 2. Liz and Patty said they had to leave, so they left. The rest of us decided to walk around the park and just talk until about 4 when everyone decided to go home. Tsubaki and Black Star left first (like always). Which meant Maka, Soul, Kid and I were the only ones left. We started to walk in the direction of our apartments when Kid said goodbye and left (thats the first). Soul and Maka left about a block before I got to my apartments. Now only I, walked to my apartment and said hi to Ashley on my way up. I had to go buy a swimming shorts for tomorrow. I didn't have any, yet. So I grabbed about 20 dollars out of my bank (a cleaned out milk jug with the top cut off I use as a bank). I walked to the store and found the swimming suit isle. There were a lot to choose from, I picked one that was plain black and went to my knees. I bought it and walked home. I tried it on at home, normal guys don't wear a shirt with swimming shorts, so I don't plan to. I couldn't see my ribs anymore, and I think that I was a normal sized guy. I guess I hadn't realized it, but I slightly have abs from fitness class. I guess im more normal than I thought I was. I made pasta with alfredo sauce for dinner, I really need Maka to teach me how to cook things other than pasta. Pasta is my favorite, but it gets annoying when you eat it everyday. I watched TV until about 8 when my phone rang.

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