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I'm finally out of the infirmary, my chest and back still hurts but at least its not as bad as it was at first. I was given only a small bag of pain killers and I was told to stay away from any mission. I understand and I dont want be back in that infirmary bed, I get too clusterphobic in that bed and everyone huddled around me. In class I sit in my normal spot, in the corner of the room, waiting for Maka to sit down next to me. I watch Maka walk into the classroom with a huge smile on her face. As soon as she sees me she waves and hurries to her seat as the bell rang.

"Hi Crona, how are you?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

"I'm okay, its n-nice to be back to c-class."

"Well thats good. So Kid is having a party tomorrow, you have to come."

"I-i don't know, if y-you want me to I guess i'll g-go."

"Great! It'll be soo much fun!" She gave me a big warming smile and turned to the board as Stein started his lectures. A party? I wonder what for, I guess it'll be fun, if Maka is there to. I looked over at Maka and she still had a smile on her face. I suddenly get a feeling in my stomach and it makes me tense up a little. What is this feeling I get every time i'm around Maka? After about an hour, class ends and as I was getting my stuff Maka grabbed my arm to talk to me.

"So um Crona, what are you doing after class?"

"I was just going to go to my room, why?"

"Oh, I wanted to know if you wanted to get some ice cream."

"O-okay, whats ice cream?" I seriously don't know what ice cream is.

"You'll see." She giggled and pulled me along still holding my arm. We walked quite a bit and arrived at a little shop. I saw a lot of little kids walking out with something in their hand, is that what ice cream is? I sat down on a bench not realizing how out of breath I was. I guess i'm still pretty weak. Maka came out of the shop with two things in her hands. She gave me one and I held on to the brown cone wondering how to eat this. I watched Maka eat her ice cream and I kinda get the point of how to eat it. I bite into it and my teeth hurt, its so cold! Maka looked at me and giggled.

"Be careful, its really cold. But I see that you've already noticed that." She giggled again and I smiled. After my teeth warmed up, I could taste chocolate. It was creamy, sweet, and obviously very cold. I looked over at Maka's ice cream and hers was pink, strawberry maybe? Maka finished her ice cream and waited for me to finish. She looked down at her knees and was spacing out. I watched her face go a little red and I wondered what was wrong.

"M-maka, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh its nothing don't worry about it." She looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I finished my ice cream and she walked me back to my room.

"T-thank you for the ice cream, it was yummy!" I said as I gave her a bright smile.

"No problem, i'm glad you liked it." She turned and left. I walked into my room and sat on my bed exausted. I wonder what she was thinking about when she blushed today. I wonder what this feeling is everytime I see her smile and why do I miss her so much when she leaves? Should I ask someone about it, and if I do, who? Maybe Soul will help, he's a good friend. I walked around the school wondering if Soul went home or not, its only 4 O' clock. I looked around and found him at the mission board.

"H-hey Soul, c-can I talk t-to you about something?"

"Oh hey Crona, whats up?"

"So uh, what d-does it m-mean when your stomach feels wierd and y-you blush a lot w-when your a-around someone?" He didn't speak for a second and it made me worry. He just smiled.

"It seems like you have a crush."

"A c-crush? What d-does that mean?" That sounds horrible and painful.

"It means you like someone."

"O-oh o-okay. T-thank y-you." I started to walk away, im so embarassed, I LIKE Maka!

"No problem bye!" He waved me goodbye and as soon as I was out of his sight I ran back to my room. I sat on my bed holding my pillow. The slight pain in my back signaled Ragnarok was coming.

"So you like the fat pig do ya! We'll see what she thinks at the party tomorrow."

"No! Please don't Ragnarok, I don't know how to deal with a situation like that!"

"Who cares! I want to see her face once I blurt it out!"

"Ragnarok no! I'll... I'll give you candy if you don't."

"Nope, not gonna work bird brain."

"I'll give you a whole bucket of candy!"

"Okay fine! I won't say anything but.... nevermind best not to tell you. Hehe." He left after that. I wonder what he meant by that. I'm kinda worried now, I wonder what he'll do! Oh yeah, I forgot about the party but i'm sure it'll be fun. As long as Ragnorak keeps his mouth shut i'll be fine.

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