The Last Moments

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Maka's POV

"The sun always shines and the creek keeps the air cool.-" I choked on my words as I realized that Crona felt heavier. I knew he was gone. The story that Crona had asked me to tell didn't just help him though, it was keeping me from lashing out and doing something stupid. And so I continued. The knowledge of knowing he had gone made my tears run faster and my throat squeaked out every word I spoke. I held him tighter to me and finished my story.

"We have picnics in the yard everyday and build a fire at night to make smores and watch the stars. Our children grow up happy and we grow old. When it's time for us to go, we still hold eachother's hand in the swinging bench. Happily Ever After." I began to bawl harder than I ever had in my life and Crona's body was as close to me as I could get him to be. I heard Marie and Stein crying silently with eachother. Behind me, Patty, Liz, Amanda, Theresa, and Tsubaki were crying hard. They whimpered and whined just as I did, but not to my extent. The boys, trying to stay strong, cried also. The tears on Black*Star's face were evident. I heard footsteps come towards me and a hand rested on my shoulder.

"We should take him back to the DWMA." Kid told me. I nodded, but I didn't let go of Crona. I didn't want to move him, even though I knew he should be somewhere of respect and not in a dark cave. Kid ran his hands from my shoulder and slowly down to where my hands held Crona. Soul came around and held Crona carefully as Kid removed my hands from him.

"No! I need to be with him! Please!" I thrashed out, trying to get away from Kid's grasp. He held me strong to him though, there was no way I could get away from him I realized. Soul still kept a soft hold of Crona until Stein got up and carried him with Marie at his side. She stuck very closely to him, which I assumed was just in case he had a breakdown. Kid leaned his face to the side of mine and said, "We'll walk with them back to the DWMA, but i'm not letting you go." I nodded and we walked, Kid still holding on to me. He was holding me so I didn't run away, but I honestly didn't have the strength for anything. The fight had exhausted me and feeling my near-husband's soul escape from me had wiped me out. There was no strength for me to fight. Everyone walked slowly on foot as we escorted Crona. Marie and Stein in front, me and Kid in the middle, the rest of us had decided to walk behind me.

"I don't understand why this had to happen again." I heard Patty say. Her sister Liz responded, "I don't know, Patty. It's worse this time, we can't save him." A curious Theresa then asked, "This happened before?" It was silent for a minute or two and I thought that the conversation had dropped, but someone answered her.

"Kind of. Last time, he was unconscious and lost a lot of... blood. Now it's just too late." Tsubaki said. Amanda spoke up, "Are you sure there's nothing we can do to save him?" They all were quiet again. Black*Star suprisingly spoke, "No. He's gone." Then I could hear a choke and it didn't come from any of the girls, it was Black*Star. His footsteps were louder and faster as I watched him suddenly pass all of us. He was running for an odd reason that I didn't know. To get past all of their questions? Maybe. It's possible that him and Crona were closer than I thought. I know that I wasn't with Crona all of the time, so maybe they did become true friends. I'm not sure. The thought of it though made me happy for a moment, but instantly dropped my mood again.

It took us all an hour to get back to the DWMA with our walking pace. Students had gathered around the steps to see the heroes who had saved the day come back. Their faces had turned dark as soon as they saw Crona. Even though an hour had passed, I was still bawling. Not to the extent I was earlier but it was a sad sight to let all of the students see. It made me cry harder when I noticed that people tilted their heads down and removed the hats that any of them were wearing in respect to Crona's death. The students had gained a respect to Crona as he started to get accustomed to the school. He went on missions and helped out any student who would let him. No one was afraid of him anymore. I noticed that I was moving around in Kid's arms and felt his grip tighten.

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