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Me and Maka had a serious conversation about how important it is that we have faith in our friends, and know that they would never judge us for anything. I'm still really nervous though, Maka tried to tell me that everything will be alright. But, it seems that my legs won't stop shaking. We were on our way to the park for the picnic. I tried to convince myself that this is better than them finding out on there own and getting mad at us, but either way I just end up gripping my right bicep with my left hand even tighter. (I always walk around with my left hand on my right bicep all the time, its comforting). Once we arrived at the park we set down the blanket and waited for our friends. Tsubaki like always, offered to bring food. So we waited until I could see Tsubaki and Black Star arriving.

"Hey Crona!!!" Black Star grabbed me and gave me a noogie.

"Hey Black Star!" Maka yelled holding a book. I wonder where she gets these books from.

"Wha- OW!" Black Star flew to the ground with a book shape molded into his skull. Atleast he let go of me.

"Don't touch Crona!"

"Well, I see that the fun has already started," Kid said as he, Patty, and Liz walked towards us.

"Oh hey Kid," Tsubaki said pulling Black Star off the ground and sitting him down at the blanket.

"Wow Tsubaki, the food smells good like always," Liz said as she sat down at the blanket.

"Thank you Liz, we can all dig in."

"What about Soul," asked Patty.

"I invited and talked to him. He said maybe," Maka said.

"Well, I guess he's missing out. The god gets more food!" Blackstar said as he started drooling.

"What am I missing?" Soul asked with his hands in his pockets walking towards us.

"Darn, I almost got extra food."

"You know i'm not going to miss a chance of eating Tsubaki's food."

"Aw, thanks Soul. Glad you like my food," Tsubaki said blushing slightly.

"Well, anyway. Let's dig in," Maka said starting to grab some rice balls. We all agreed and started to grab food. When we were all stuffed, we talked for a little while. The conversations were nice and made me feel like I was surrounded by family. But, I knew that it would be ruined soon, by Maka and I's news. After a while, someone noticed my face had gone from happy to dissapointed.

"What's wrong Crona," Tsubaki asked.

"Hm? Uh, n-nothing." I looked at Maka and she winked at me. I gave her a slight smile which quickly turned back into a frown. Maka grabbed my hand as my face went kinda pink.

"Me and Crona have something to tell you all," Maka said still looking at me. Everyone stopped talking and set their attention towards us. I could feel my body start to shake, I was really nervous. Maka stood up and helped me up, i'm guessing so that I don't curl into a ball and chicken out. I stood behind her slightly as I fiddled with my fingers.

"So, um, Crona and I-"

"Kissed?" Black Star blurted. Then squealed in pain as Tsubaki grabbed his ear and told him to shut up. My face went from pink to crimson red. Why can't Black Star be quiet for once?

"Ahem, anyway. Me and Crona are... together." My face had gone a darker shade of crimson and my face felt really hot. Everyone is staring at us. I hid behind Maka even more.

"Well, thats wonderful!" Tsubaki yelled excitedly.

"Aw, how cute." Liz said trying to keep Patty down from tackling me and Maka with hugs and squeals.

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