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Stein advised that I stay in the infirmary for a couple of days so I could regain my strength. I was actually glad, I didn't want to walk up and down the basement stairs a lot if I couldn't hardly even walk for 5 minutes. I heard a knock on the door and I looked up to see that it was Maka.

"Hey, how are you feeling? I brought you something." She sat next to the bed and gave me a small box. I opened it and inside was candy and a poem. The slight pain in my back signaled that Ragnarok was coming.

"What did the fat cow bring? Ooh, candy gimme before I smack you senseless!" Ragnarok said as he was pounding on my head. Maka picked up a piece of candy and gave it to him. Ragnarok is so mean to her, yet she doesn't mind at all. She must be used to it, like me.

"T-thank you Maka. You're always s-so nice, I wish I h-had something t-to give you." I looked at her and the window behind her brought light around her. It made her look like a beautiful angel, her soft white skin shining and her gold blonde hair glowing. It almost seemed like a dream. I got a strange feeling in my stomach, then I look away and my face gets hot as it blushes. What is this feeling?

"Its no problem at all, im just glad your getting better. Huh? Crona are you okay?" She asks.

"Y-yeah! I-its nothing. Thank you again f-for the gift." I look back at her with a reassuring smile. She smiled back and giggled a little. She is so pretty, I want to tell her but I dont want to be wierd or anything.

"Give me more you fat cow!" Ragnarok screams at her.

"Ragnarok don't be so rude. She was nice enough to bring you candy."

"What did you say bitch!" Ragnarok grabbed my hair and started pulling on it.

"Ow Ragnarok stop it hurts!" Maka got up and pulled Ragnarok off of me and he dissolved back into me.

"Are you okay Crona?" She looks at me with a concerned face.

"Uh, i-i'm fine. S-sorry that he is so mean." I respond.

"Don't apologize, its Ragnarok after all. Anway I gotta get to class, get better!" She left the room and I felt lonely again. I miss Maka being by my side, she always comforts me. What is this feeling I get when im around her? I also miss class. About 3 days after the incident, Lord Death wanted us to start classes again and continue with our lives. But I have been stuck in the infirmary since the day we beat the kishin, and I'll be here for another 5 days. My chest and back still hurts but it hasn't been as bad and I still have bandages to support my chest and my back. Stein says that the black blood won't heal my wound as fast as it usually does because of the strike Medusa used on me. It had stopped my black blood from hardening and it hasn't been very strong since. I also noticed Ragnarok was a bit smaller and didn't come out as much as he usually does. I wonder if my black blood will ever restore itself. Oh, I forgot about the poem. I picked it up out of the box and started to read it. It was sweet, she talked about my kindness and how great of a person I am. It was a nice poem, I put it back in the box and put it on the table next to my bed. Im getting sleepy and I might as well take a nap while everyone is in class.

It was a good nap, but not when I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and Black Star was in my face. I kind of squeaked and held my face with my hands. He startled me and he jumped off of me laughing.

"Ha! That was a good one! You should of seen your face!" He was rolling on the floor laughing so hard. It made me uncomfortable, I didnt like being laughed at. I looked around my bed and all my friends were here.

"Black Star! That isnt funny, he was sleeping. Dont make me Maka Chop you!" Screamed Maka.

"Okay sorry, I wont do it again I swear! But you gotta admit that was funny." I blushed in embarrasment.

"Sorry Crona to wake you." Tsubaki said smiling at me.

"I-its okay, I would rather b-be awake when your all h-here." I smiled back and we all chatted for a while. The time passed by so fast, it seemed that it only took 10 minutes to become sunset.

"Well, goodbye Crona, I hope you get better soon." Tsubaki waved at me and left with Black Star. I just realized that Kid was organizing the medicine cabinet this intire time.

"Indeed, I must go as well and you dont have to worry about the medicine cabinet anymore." Kid said proud of himself. We all just looked at him and laughed. They left and it was just Soul and Maka.

"So, hows your chest and back doin'?" Soul asked.

"I-its fine, it doesn't h-hurt as much and i'll be a-able to leave in 5 days."

"That sounds good, um Maka im going home now." Soul turned to Maka and whispered something, then left.

"So now its just me and you." Maka smiled at me like she was happy it was only me and her.

"Y-yeah. I read the poem, it was r-really nice."

"I thought you would. So, uh funny question. What is your favorite cake?"

"Huh? Uh, c-chocolate, I think." That is a odd question.

"Okay, thats cool, my favorite too!" We laughed and talked until I started dozing off. The room got dark and I was half asleep. I heard Maka get up, I guess she fell asleep too. I felt my bangs move and my forehead had a soft and warm sensation. Then my bangs fell back to my face and I heard her leave. Did Maka just kiss me on my forehead?

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