Family Reunion

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It was so hard for me to focus on school the entire week, I was too worried for today. I am really nervous and I can already tell that i'm shaking. I don't know how to deal with this. I really don't want the day to end, I would rather listen to Stein's lectures all day while throwing scalpels at me. Well, maybe not the scalpel part, but I made my point. Maka wasn't in my first class today, I didn't get to see her until fitness class. Sadly enough, I didn't get to talk to her until lunch and ask her why she was late.

"H-hey Maka."

"Oh, hi Crona," Maka said with a big smile.

"H-how come you weren't in Stein's class?"

"Oh, uh, Lord Death wanted to see me."

"Oh, how did that go?"

"I'll tell you later." She didn't look very happy when she said that. She looked away from me when she said it, which worries me. I wonder what Lord Death said to her to make her so upset. We sat down at our table without another word said. We sat in our normal spots with all our friends.

"Hey guys," Liz said.

"H-hi," I responded.

"So Crona, are you ready for your 'meeting' after school," asked Kid.

"K-kind of, I d-don't even know who i-i'm meeting. All I know is that h-her name is Cumo." Kid raised an eyebrow questioningly and looked at Maka for a moment before turning back to me.

"Well i'm sure Maka, will tell you a little bit before you meet her." He said making sure to speak Maka's name a bit louder. Maka only glanced at Kid for a moment then went back to eating her lunch. The table got really quiet for a while before of course, Black Star showed up.

"Hey, why is everyone so gloomy? But do not fret! My godliness will save everyones happiness!"

"Black Star, the only thing you do is annoy us," Liz said.

"Well Liz, for your information, I just came to rescue your attitude!"

"Black Star, let's not be rude." Tsubaki said sitting down with Black Star.

"I'm not being rude, i'm trying to make everyone praise their god."

"Black Star, now is not the time, it seems everyone is upset."

"No, its okay, Black Star is just being himself, we'll just ignore him like usual," Maka said.

"Wow, no dose of a Maka Chop today? Thats surprising," Soul said snickering.

"Watch it, your about to get one," Maka said sternly pointing her magical book at Soul. I seriously wonder where she gets the book from. She never carries it around, in fact she doesn't have anything to carry it in. So whenever she Maka Chops someone, the book just magically appears out of thin air. I don't ever ask her about it, i'm scared that i'll get a Maka Chop just for mentioning it. Black Star shut up by that comment Maka made though, which was a little strange. Black Star usually doesn't shut up until he gets a dose of a Maka Chop. We all sat there quietly eating lunch, even Patty was quiet. Today was going to end horribly, I can already tell. When the lunch bell finally rang we all got up and waved eachother goodbye then went to our classes. I noticed that Miss Marie wasn't here, instead Spirit (ugh) was our substitute. I wonder what is wrong with everyone today, its very odd. It doesn't help my mood either, I was already a nervous wreck when I woke up this morning. I can feel myself start to tremble as I watch the time on the clock come closer and closer to the end of the school day. As soon as the school day ends, Maka has to have a conversation with me (which I can already tell is going to be tense) then I have to meet with Cumo, and finally Maka has to explain to me what made her so upset today in her and Lord Death's conversation. I walked to my last class of the day which is history of Shibusen with Sid as our teacher (he still creeps me out). As the class went on, I couldn't help but worry about how everything was going to go. I'm so nervous! I know that i'm shaking and trembling, I can't help it, i'm so scared of whats going to happen. Maka seemed to realize my tension, she grabbed my hand to stop my shaking.

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