Madness Begins

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 "Did I ever tell you that I love it when you blush?" she giggled. My face turned a deep red, I tried to look away but Maka's laugh brought my gaze back to her.

"W-what's f-funny?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, its just that whenever I say that you blush even more." she giggles again.

"Bu-" I started but Maka interrupted me.

"Shh. I'm going to make breakfast, you go ahead and get ready." She gave me a bright smile and ran out to the kitchen. Her smile always makes me happy, no matter how i'm feeling. I started to get dressed and Ragnarok decided to come out to start my day.

"Quit smiling, it's making me feel all gross. It feels like i'm dieing." I hadn't realized I was smiling...

"Quit exaggerating."

"I'm not exaggerating, whenever you talk to her it feels like i'm slowly being burned."


"You better be sorry i've gone through almost a full year of burning pain because of you and her. Next time it happens i'll burn you."


"Whatever." He dissapeared into my back and I continued to dress. When I finished I walked into the kitchen and the smell of cinnamon overwhelmed me. I walked up to her and she turned around to wrap her hands around my neck. Her warm touch made me blush.

"Guess what i'm making," she says covering my eyes.

"Umm... F-french toast?" I guessed.

"Close, but no."

"I don't know. Cinnamon s-something?" she giggled and uncovered my eyes.

"You didn't even try. I'm making scrambled eggs with cinnamon-chocolate chip bread."

"S-sounds delicous." I tried saying. Gosh, the blushing and stuttering!

"Yep." she poked my nose which made me blush, again. "Does everything I do make you blush?"

"I g-guess." She giggled and turned back to cooking the eggs.

"It's almost done, sit down." I listened to her and sat down at the table. I watched as she turned the eggs and she touched her finger on the side of the pan.

"Ouch!" she went to the sink and started to run cold water on her finger.

YES, BURN. BURN UNTIL YOU MELT. I continued to stare at her finger.

"Crona? Crona, are you alright?" Her voice brought me back.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah, i'm f-fine." I shook my head a little bit and tried to focus on something else. Why was I thinking that? That's not something I would think, especially about Maka.

"Okay, well breakfast is done. Here's your plate." She set down a plate for me and another for Ragnarok. She sat down on her side of the table with her plate.

"T-thanks." I smiled at her and started to eat. Ragnarok popped out.

"Finally, something to eat!" He picked up his plate and like normal, he shoved the plate into his mouth and spit it out empty. Maka made a 'gross' face and picked at her plate while I finished mine.

"Here i'll clean that up." She said grabbing for my plate.

"No, i'll do it." I grabbed the plates she had in her hand and went to the sink to clean up.

"Okay, thank you." She looked back at me for a moment, after she made a face she walked to our room and shut the door. Blair jumped up onto the counter and made me squeak.

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