House Warming Party

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"Oh uh, h-have you told anyone," Maka asked.

"No, I promised Crona just now that I wouldn't tell anyone."

"T-thank you."

"I'm guessing that you two are dating now?"

"Y-yeah, I guess. Its confusing." Well good thing i'm not the only one thinking that this is confusing.

"Oh okay, thats exactly the same thing Crona told me."

"So why did you have to ask me?" I am wondering the same thing.

"Just had to be sure." Okay...

"Be sure of what exactly?"

"Its just hard for me to believe, thats all." Okay, I understand that, its hard for me to believe it too.

"Well okay, but anyway I came to check on how moving in is going. It looks nice in here."

"Kid did most of it," I said starting to sit up and relax.

"Oh, well that explains why everything is spaced perfectly."

"Well thank you. I do a nice job of keeping things symmetrical."

"Yeah, i've noticed that. Mind if I sit and hang out for a while?"

"Sure," I said scooting over so Maka could sit inbetween me and Kid. She sat down in the spot I made for her.

"So I was suggesting to Crona that he could have a party here celebrating him moving in."

"Thats a good idea," Maka agreed.

"Okay, when should I have the party?"

"Would tonight be okay," Maka asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun, and i'll help you get ready for it," Kid said.

"Me too," Maka said with a big smile on her face.

"Y-yeah. I guess i'm having a party tonight, make sure to bring lots of candy."

"Why?" They both asked.

"To keep Ragnarok quiet."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about him," said Kid looking confused. Then Ragnarok popped out.

"Who could forget about me!"

"Wow you got really tiny."

"I'll show you tiny! Crona get up so I can hit him."

"No, why would I let you hit my friend?"

"You guys are boring, stupid nerd herd." Then Ragnarok went back inside me.

"Wow, that was fast," Maka said looking surprised.

"Yeah, that was," I said super confused. Usually he has something to say, oh well. We decided to start getting ready for the party tonight. Kid said he was going to bring the drinks, Maka said she has dessert already made, and she said she can tell Tsubaki to make food, and convince Soul to bring music. I decided to go and grab everyone muffins since they are helping me (and I want to find out if I got the job). I walked to Deathbucks which was only a couple blocks away. I walked in, greeted by the smells of coffee beans and muffins, i'm never going to get over that delicious smell.

"Hello, welcome to Deathbucks how may I serve you," the guy behind the counter said.

"May I have one bag of muffins." I read his name tag, it said Mike. He grabbed a bag of muffins and put them on the counter as he put 'muffins' on the cash register.

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