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I woke up the next morning with a throbbing migrain and I am super disoriented. I looked around my room, when did I get home? I looked through the window which was shining brightly and made my eyes hurt. Ugh, I feel like crap... What did I do last night? I remember trying to stall my friends from realizing Cumo's laugh, having a couple of drinks of bitter punch, then it all kind of got fuzzy. I got out of bed and I felt a little cold, I looked around for a robe or blanket to wrap around me, then I realized I wasn't wearing anything... I'm completely naked. What happened to my shorts?! And my underwear!?!?! I hear Maka turn over, which meant she was awake. I grabbed the nearest set of my underwear and put them on before she caught sight of me. In my struggle to put on my underwear, I slipped on a sock and fell hard on the floor. Maka instantly got up still covering her torso with the blanket.

"Crona! Are you alright?" She asked me. I then realized that she wasn't wearing anything either. My face got super hot and I swear my head was about to explode. I covered my face with my hands and tried not to pass out or get a bloody nose, that would be embarrasing.

"Crona, talk to me, are you alright?" She asked again.

"Y-y-y-y-yeah." I couldn't speak. The stuttering is horrible, I hope she doesn't make me talk anymore.

"Okay, what are you doing? Get off the floor." I looked back down to my legs and saw that the bed sheets were covering me up and that my underwear were still at my knees. Phew, thank you sheets... I pulled up my underwear the rest of the way and stood up. I looked away from Maka trying not to invade her privacy or anything.

"Look at me, what's wrong?" I looked at her and covered my face with my hands. My face got even hotter and my underpants got a little tight. I sat down on the bed and brought my knees to my chest so she wouldn't notice.

"Why won't you talk to me?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her examine herself and realize why I wasn't looking at her. Her face turned a little pink and she covered up a little more.

"You didn't have a problem looking at me last night. What's the difference now?" she asked me.

"W-w-what? I d-d-did that?" I heard a car honk outside which made my head hurt like I just got hit by a train. I squeaked on accident and started to rub my temples hoping the migrain would go away.

"Ohhh, I get it now. You don't remember, do you?"

"N-n-no. I d-d-don't e-even r-remember coming home l-l-last n-n-night." I answered. Her face turned even more pink and she looked dissapointed. She wrapped the blanket around her more and got out of the bed. I uncovered my face and watched her drop the blanket, which made me grab my pillow and cover my face. I thought she was going to the bathroom or grabbing something! My legs were suffocating (my underwear is tight to no explanation) and my head was slowly melting in lava (my face is so hot and the migrain makes it no better).

"I'm going to get dressed then make breakfast. When i'm done, you should get dressed too and meet me in the kitchen." she said in a cheery voice. I could hear the hint of sadness in it, but didn't say anything. I waited to uncover my face until I heard her leave the room. Once I knew she was gone, I slowly got up and got dressed in a black long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans. I walked into the kitchen and made sure that Maka couldn't see my pants.

"Just sit at the table, breakfast will be done in about five minutes." Maka said turning whatever she was cooking in the pan. It smelled like eggs. After a few minutes of waiting Maka toasted some bread and put what was in the pan in between two slices of the toast. She placed the sandwiches on plates and set them on the table.

"Dig in!" she announced. She was a little loud which made my head hurt a little, but I ignored it and looked down at the plate in front of me. I slowly grabbed my plate and started to eat. An egg sandwich, creative and yummy. I finished my sandwich and started to feel a little sick. After she was finished eating too, she grabbed our plates and set them in the sink. I layed back in my chair and let my head slump backwards. Hopefully the stomach ache and the headache go away.

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