Alone With the Shadows

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I woke up to see Maka's beautiful face handing me a plate of bacon and eggs. I looked over at the time, the alarm clock said it was 6:30. I looked back at Maka, she was already dressed and ready to go.

"Are you leaving already," I asked starting to panic.

"No, I don't have to leave until 8," she said sitting down next to me with her own plate of food.

"Okay good," I responded feeling myself calm a little.

"Good morning, Crona. Don't worry yourself too much silly."

"G-good morning, sorry. I didn't want you to leave just yet."

"It's fine, I understand. I won't leave without saying goodbye, promise."

"Kay' good." Then I was a little startled by her kissing my forehead and giggling a little.

"Don't stress, just enjoy your breakfast." I smiled at her, "Thank you." We smiled at eachother once more and then went on with eating our breakfast. Like always, it was delicous. I always love Maka's cooking, and probably will love it forever. We cleaned up our plates and decided to walk to her apartment so she could pack her stuff. On the way to her apartment, she had a conversation with me about about being brave and staying strong. I was glad that she had faith in me, it made me feel better. We got to her apartment, with an (unfriendly) hello from Soul.

"Where the hell have you been!" He yelled as we walked in.

"Places, don't bother me. God, your so possessive," Maka said walking towards her room. I stood by the door hoping Soul wouldn't notice me. But, unfortunatley he noticed me.

"Ohhhh, nevermind, question answered." He said in a very rude tone.


"Don't apologize, it won't make anything different."

"Soul! What is your problem! I hadn't even seen you for 5 minutes and your already enraged," Maka said walking out of her room with her bag. Wow, that was fast, maybe she already packed it.

"My problem? You have the problem. I woke up ready to go and you weren't even here! I woke up early today, something I only do for a mission. I've been here for 2 hours waiting to go."

"Why did you wake up at 5 in the morning when you knew we didn't have to leave until 8?"

"Wait, we don't have to leave until 8?"

"Your an idiot. Next time, don't get mad at me and Crona when you can't even remember things correctly."

"Pfft, whatever. Don't leave next time, maybe I could've gotten sleep."

"I don't have to be the one with brains all the time."

"Hey! I have brains!"

"Oh really? Why don't you use them sometime, it's useful."

"Whatever! That is so uncool, don't even start that."

"Start what? I'm finishing what you started," Maka said grabbing my hand. Which made me blush a little.

"Sure you are," Soul said as he started to pout.

"Real mature Soul, real mature."

"What? I ain't doing nothin'."

"Where's Blair when you need her?" Maka whispered to herself.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing, she seems to fix your attitude," she giggled and we walked out of her apartment before Soul could say anything else. I could hear Soul scream "So uncool!" as we walked down the stairs to the first level.

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