EXTRA: Soul's Apology Letter

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Maka, i'm sorry for everything i've done. I wish I could apologize to Crona, i'm afraid that if I even come close to you or him he'll chop me into pieces. I probably deserve it, I ruined everything. You don't have to accept my apology either, I deserve that too. In fact, I won't be dissapointed or sad or surprised if you throw this letter back into my face and curse at me. I deserve everything that you and Crona have in store for me. I'll apologize for everything i've done.

1: I'm sorry I ruined our partner and friend ship

2: I'm sorry we'll never be able to resonate again

3: I'm sorry that i'm always a self-centered jerk

4: I'm sorry that I show off to piss you off

5: I'm sorry I never listened to you

6: I'm sorry that I got confused

7: I'm sorry that i'm afraid to speak to you

8: I'm sorry I got jealous in the first place

9: I'm sorry I kissed you

10: I'm sorry I betrayed you and Crona

Maka, I can go on and on apologizing about everything i've done. There are over a hundred I need to apologize for, these are the 10 most important ones I needed to say. To be honest Maka, I was completely confused. I've never actually fallen in love before. So, when I felt like I needed to be more protective and controlling of you, I thought I had feelings. Pathetic huh? Yeah, I show off all the time about being too cool and always having a girlfriend, but really it's never happened. Those girls you saw me with? I payed them to make you jealous, which never worked. Crona was right, i'm being more like a big brother than a lover. I love you Maka, but as my friend and my little sister. We don't have to be blood related to be family, you taught me that and so did Crona. I love Amanda. I really do, she taught me what love really is. Also, i'm kind of in a deep depression trying to forgive myself for things i've done... I've also been drinking a lot.... If I show up at your house one day drunk, ignore everything I say and shut the door in my face. I don't know what i'll do, so better be on the safe side. Theresa hates me, I understand that. She's your new partner and Amanda's big sister, of course she'll be angry at me. If you do forgive me, don't make her accept me. I want her to know by herself that I can be a good person. Amanda has been teaching me things i've never known before and i'm becoming a better person. So, hopefully a secret visit from me won't happen... Maka, I wish I could continue this note forever apologizing, but unfortunatley I run out of paper... So, i'll say sorry for the thing that hurts me the most. I'm sorry I betrayed you and Crona. You were my closest friend and Crona is a cool person, he was becoming my best friend too. I wish I could redo everything i've done. If you do forgive me, don't make Crona forgive me either. I deserve to be hated by him. I actually wish he hates me. I've done the worst thing to him and you, I can't even describe how much I wish I could fix this. Love is the only thing that will turn an enemy into a friend, you taught me that when Crona became our friend. But, Love is also the only thing that will turn a friend into an enemy, I learned that the hard way. Forgive me or not, I accept either. Will you please give me an answer by Monday? You can think longer too, I just want to know. Tell Crona i'm sorry and i'm sorry I couldn't tell him in person. Also, tell him that I think it's awesome he's standing up to people. He's gaining confidence and isn't as shy anymore. That Medusa bitch screwed up his life, we became friends and I can tell his world has completely changed. He's happy now, especially with you. You two need eachother, so continue being the cute couple you are.

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