35 A Choice

17 2 0

Chapter 35

I blinked a few times as a bright, white light filled my vision. Once my eyes had adjusted a bit, I sat up and looked around. It almost looked a lot like Kings Cross Station, but all white, without all the train, and as empty as a train station can be, except for a human-like figure walking towards me. I squinted, trying to figure out who it was, and gave up, due to it being a little too bright in the room. As the figure grew closer, I examined my surroundings once again. It was Kings Cross. When I turned back to the figure, I was surprised to see that it was Caleb. I smiled at him, and he returned it before sitting on the bench next to me.

"Hey," I greeted him, my voice soft and light. He laughed lightly, and his voice was music to my ears. "So, what's up?"

"I'm guessing," He stopped laughing, and gave me a breathtaking smile, "that you mean, why we are here? My guess is that we are both close to death. One train can take us to our final home, and the other can take us back home. So which one? I will go where ever you go Cat."

I smiled, "That's easy, our friends are back there, we have no one on the other side."

"Home?" He grasped my hands in his.

I nodded, "Home"

"Twelve," He breathed, "Twelve years old, and we are already having to decide if we want to have another chance at life or not."

"Almost twelve," I corrected, "I still have a few days until I am twelve."

"Each day live as if you are dying, because every minute could be your last." His face leaned closer to mine, and our noses touched. "No matter what," He sighed, "I... I could never live without you."


"Alright." He let my hands fall, and climbed onto the train back. His head peaked out of a compartment window as the train began to pull away, "When I see you again!" I smiled brightly and waved.

"When I see you again!" My hand fell limp as he soared out of view. I sighed ruefully, and boarded my train. Caleb, I hope you forgive me for this. And the train pulled away from Kings Cross and into my destination.

*~* Caleb's POV *~*

Once I was out of Cathy's sight, my vision blurred, and refocused to show the ceiling of the camp infirmary. I sat up quickly, and looked around. Next to me was another bed that looked as if it had been recently occupied. Had it been Cat's? If it had been, wouldn't she be here by my side waiting for me? Panic built up in my chest. I had left first though... What if... What if she decided to leave me?

My eyes widened in panic, and I let out a strangled yell, "CATHERINE" My breath became short as a few Apollo kids ran into the building. Their eyes widened as they took in the empty bed.

*~* TIME SKIP 30 MIN *~*

Chiron cantered in with a grave expression. "Catherine's cabin has been ransacked. Most of her possessions are missing, and no camper has reported seeing her since her arrival back to camp." No. This could not be happening. She could not be missing. I refused to even think about the other option. Cat was more than just a friend to me, and I thought she knew that. She wouldn't have left me, right?

*~* Jacob's POV *~*

"Luke would like to see you Trident. I do not know what it is about." I nodded to whoever this demigod was and headed to the master suite. Once I arrived, Luke was standing in there with the casket behind him. I huffed in annoyance. If this was going to be another one of those "we must get Catherine on our side" lectures, then I was not going to come again if Luke summoned me.

He turned away from the casket, and a grim expression crossed his face. "I need you to wait with me for a call I am expecting in... exactly one minute." I nodded, a little confused. What, no lecture about Cathy? I am assuming what was a minute later, an Iris Message developed in the middle of the room. Sileana Beauregard, the Aphrodite head counselor, was shown in the camp woods. "You have news for us Sileana?" Luke spoke from beside me.

"Actually... yes. Four days ago, the Fleece returned to camp. Two days after that Caleb, Cathy, and some new demigod appeared on the edge of the camp forest. Both Cathy and Caleb were on the brink of death. One hour ago, Caleb woke up and raised the alarm. The Hera cabin had been ransacked, and I think all of Cathy's possessions were taken. As of fifteen minutes ago..." Her voice trailed off. Luke and I leaned forward, glaring at her. "Catherine Granger has been proclaimed dead."

I had to sit down and process the information before looking up at Luke. We both spoke simutamlesly, "Today was her twelfth birthday."


September 16, 2015

Yeah I know I was about 150ish words off from 1,000. I had to end it there though. Another sixteen or more chapters to go of this large updating spree. The rest of their summer may go a little faster... I am hoping to get 64 chapters for this book, but I think I may have to just do about 50 instead. XD this is gonna be a long book compared to Split Life of Magic. XD

*BAM* wut


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