Alex/Raven has a very imformative dream....

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Chapter 8

Alex's POV

I said goodbye to Caleb and Xavier. When I ran up to my room Cathy was already there about to go to sleep. I hoped on my bed and she turned to look at me.

"Have a nice day Alex? Cause it sure looks like you did" She was irritated I could feel it. I hesitated. Why would she be irritated. I looked away.

"Did I see you talking to the Malfoy boy in our year?"

"Who? Oh you mean Andrew Malfoy?"

"Yes I mean him, Cathy"

"What's it to you?"

" You're acting differently"

"Why shouldn't I after I got shoved to the side and cast out like every other school I've been to?"

"Oh"She hopped in bed and turned away from me. I got changed and did my bathroom run. My sheets were tucked in and I crawled under them. Before I knew it my eyelids were drooping and I fell asleep.

I was in the underworld. Don't ask me how I knew I just did. The river Styx was in front of me. A spirit walked up next to me and put his arm around me. I turned to look at him. I recognized him from the wizarding newspapers. I was Sirius Black. I turned back to the river. A woman rose out of it.

"I am the goddess Styx. Sirius Black and I are your parents. Your real name is Raven Black. We love you and apologize that we never saw you." She cupped some of the water and splashed it at me. I woke up.

Every one was already up. Cathy was gone but the other girls were just pulling on their robes. I jumped out of bed to get ready. When I was done I ran down the steps. The boys were waiting for me. Caleb had a troubled expression on his face but I ignored it. Cathy was sitting by the fire alone. I walked over to her and told her and the boys that we need to talk in the demigod dorm. We walked to the dorms and sat down I toke a breath and started describing my dream.

By the end Cathy was shocked. Caleb and Xavier were confused. I tried to smile but it came out like a grimace. Cathy smiled and got up. She walked right out of the room and didn't say a word! I stood up and we went to the great hall for breakfast. When we got there Cathy was leaving with the Malfoy boy and girl in our year. She avoided eye contact with us and brushed right past as if we weren't even there.

The school year continued like that until Christmas. Cathy was ignoring us and we didn't know why.

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