It gets really tense in here.

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Chapter 6

(In his place was...)

... Luke. He smiled at me. Then he looked behind me and saw Caleb. Luke frowned with disapproval.

"Have you already replaced me Catherine Granger? I thought you we more loyal than that. You can still join me. We could be together, forever. You could be my queen as we overtake Olympus. You would have anything you want."

"Luke I haven't replaced you Caleb is just an old friend." I heard Caleb huff. I continued as if he wasn't there. "Luke I will never oppose the gods. No mater what you say."

" Catherine. Hera told Zeus to kill you. She wanted Brianna saved because she wanted to use her. All the gods including you mom want you dead. Your only friends are the few demigods that trust you and your little wizard friends." I stood there shocked. Caleb shoved me behind him.

"Leave Cat alone. she did nothing to deserve your ignorant company. She deserves way better than the likes of you. You little *******! If I ever see you again I will come at you and kill you!"

"Brave words from someone who has no idea what they are talking about. Why don't you and Xavier here join Kronos? You could be powerful and bring those worthless Gods down. You could have any girl you want. Except Catherine."

"Don't call me Catherine, Unlucky."

"Should I call you Cat, Like your new overprotective boyfriend?" Caleb didn't respond to that.

"We aren't dating Luke. Leave us alone. We don't want any thing to do with Kronos."

"Oh, but you do. You want me back."

"Why can't you change Luke? Why can't you change for me? I love you and I know you love me too."

"It isn't because of you. It's because of the gods. They don't deserve to rule. Help me build a new age. One where demigods rule. All I need is to get you to come and declare your loyalty. Or Perseus. That despicable son of the sea god. But I'd prefer you."

"Well you're not getting me to side against the gods."

"We'll see about that." The iris message shimmered and disappeared. None of us spoke. Then finally Caleb broke the silence.

"Well he's ummmm... tense?" We laughed at that. Alex turned around and headed towards the door. Xavier followed her. Caleb and I stood there awkwardly for a bit. He cleared his throat and headed towards the door. I heisted before following him. We headed to our separate rooms and fell asleep. Boy what a night.

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