School's (not so) boring

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Chapter 7

I woke up. Alex was already awake and pulling on her robes. Alisa was staring at me, all ready to go to lessons. The other two girls were already gone.

"Alisa, who are our other roommates?"

"Oh, I actually do not know..."

"Oh," We all finished getting changed and walked down to our common room. Caleb and Xavier were down there talking. Harry and Ronald were sitting next to them just listening. Hermione had already left for class. Harry cleared his throat when he saw me.

"Catherine Granger, right? Are you related to Hermione at all?"

"No. I'm a halfblood." Harry looked disappointed.

"Oh. You kinda look alike." He and Ron left. Caleb and Xavier stood up and groaned.

"What class do we have now Cat?" I dug through my bag and found my schedule at the bottom.

"We have break, potions, lunch, double transfiguration, break, double charms, and then dinner." The boys sat back down. I frowned at them and sighed. We have a break so why not? I sat next to Caleb with Alex and Alisa across from us. We sat awkwardly until Alisa stood up.

"I'm going to study cause I think I'll fail at least one class if I don't." She walked out and the tension eased a little bit. Caleb got up.

"Why don't we all go to the demigod dorms to practice fighting? You never know when a monster will come and attack us. Xavier and I don't have any training or weapons."

We all looked at him for a minute and then agreed. We got up and left the common room. We rounded a corner and ran right into Alisa. She had a frightened expression on her face.

"Sorry! Uh," A roar sounded behind her. I jumped.

"What was that?"

"I don't know! I was in the library and suddenly there was a... a... a monster! I ran out and then I ran into you guys!"We looked at each other in alarm. I summoned my bow and arrows and handed them to Xavier. I toke my swords and handed them to Alisa and Caleb. I toke out my throwing knives and stood on guard. Alisa stared at me like I was crazy.

I laughed and a roar sounded around the corner. I heard Snape scream like a girl and a Hellhound rounded the corner. Alex and I turned invisible. Caleb screamed my name in alarm and I realized that the hound was right behind me. I flattened to the ground and it bounded over me at Caleb. I thrust one of my knives up in its belly. It howled and turned around. Two arrows pierced its eye.

It burst into dust over Caleb. I reappeared and he fainted. Alisa stood behind me. She stood gasping for breath. Everyone handed me their weapons and Xavier and I picked up Caleb. Alex led us to the dorms while having an arm around Alisa's shoulders. I lay Caleb on the couch and got some nectar. Alisa sat down on a chair. Her face was pale and she looked ready to pass out. I trickled some nectar into Caleb's mouth. He groaned. Alisa groaned weakly. I heard a thump signaling that she too had passed out. Caleb shifted beside me and huffed. I walked over to Alex and gave her some nectar to feed Alisa. I returned to Caleb's side and shock him. He huffed and sat up. I watched him in concern. He stared at me.

"You, you, you disappeared! And then reappeared!"

"You're in the wizarding world Caleb."

"As if I didn't know that." I laughed. Caleb always could ease the tension in a room with jokes and sarcasm.

"But seriously, even in the wizarding world one of your best friends doesn't just disappear into thin air only to reappear seconds later."

"Caleb. You're right. Because its the demigod world where people do that."


"Alex, Brianna, Luke, and I went on a quest. Our mother, the queen of the gods, sent us some gifts. I got my magic charm bracelet, Alex got a magic hat, and Brianna got a magic necklace. We all could turn invisible. And summon the most powerful armor of all time."


"Guys look at the time. We'll bring Alisa to the hospital wing before Potions. And we need to hurry!"

---------time lapse-------

We were just starting transfiguration when Alisa came in. She ignored the demigods and went to sit by the other first year girls. I could understand why after this mornings events. I stole a glance at her every so often. Her gaze was trained on the teacher. She never looked at us for even a second. The lesson seemed to drag on as the professor lectured us. II'm never going to survive this school year.

We left sometime later. Caleb, Alex, and Xavier popped right out of their chairs and headed out. Great, just great. I'm going to be a loner just like I was at all my other schools. Joy.


Pic is Alisa.

Pic is Alisa

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*BAM* wut

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