We Finally Get to London

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Chapter 2

The sky was cloudy but it started to slowly clear. Alex woke up. Just as I was about to fall asleep we spotted something in the distance. As we neared it we realized that it was a cruise boat. We were near land! I told the pegasi how to get to my house and fell asleep.

When I woke up we were descending down into a London neighborhood. Alex was giddy with excitement to meet her real dad after finding out who he was. We dismounted and the pegasi flew off. They were going to stay at Hogwarts for the term so that we could always us them if we needed to. I knocked on the door. A few seconds later it opened. My parents embraced us in a hug. I huffed.

"Mum, Dad, we were here 2 months ago! It hasn't been that long!" They withdrew and brought us into the kitchen.

"Hermione already left for her friends Ronald Weasley's home. Oh and guess what, she's best friends with Harry Potter, The Chosen One/ The Boy Who Lived!" My stepmom gushed. I stared at her blankly.

"Who's Harry Potter?" Alex looked even more confused than I did. I already knew that Hermione was friends with Harry, but since when was he called the"Chosen One"? Mom giggled. Man that's just messed up. Parents shouldn't giggle like she just did.

"Harry Potter. About 20 years ago all wizards feared the name Vol... well I'd rather not say it. They feared he-who-must-not-be-named. He went after the Potter family 15 years ago on Halloween. James and Lily, Harry's parents were killed. The Dark Lord tried to kill Harry but when he cast the spell it rebounded. He came back 1 1/2 years ago. Harry faced off with him 2 times and won. Many people say that Harry will be the one to kill he-who-must-not-be-named. And Harry now is being called the Chosen One." Alex blinked slowly. I laughed.

"You'll get used to it Alex." She looked at me. I laughed again. The wizarding world was just as, if not more, confusing than the demigod world. We went up to the bed room we would be sharing for the next week before getting to Hogwarts. An hour later we were called for dinner. Nobody talked. We were served a full course English style dinner. I had just finished the entree when I pushed my plate away, got up, and walked away. I stopped halfway up the stairs. Leaning in, I listened to Alex talking with my parents. "Cathy doesn't usually eat very much ever since Brianna died. It was a hard loss for both of us."

Really? It wasn't because Brianna died! It was more than that! Can you even begin to imagine finding out that your mom isn't supposed to have children with mortals ever? Or that she's the queen of the gods? Or that now you can never be too careful because the king of the gods wants to kill you every chance he gets? That you were never supposed to born? Alex had no idea how much my life had changed in the last 2 months. Her's had always been rocky and full of changes and surprises.

I stormed the rest of the way to my bed. I changed into my pjs and climbed to the top bunk. Sometime later that evening I heard Alex open the door and ready herself for bed. I turned away from the door. A couple minutes later I fell asleep.

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