43 Old Friends

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Chapter 43

                I finished brushing my teeth and twisted my hair into a messy bun before heading to my room.  Someone had lay out soft, long, golden pajamas for me.  I swiftly changed into them before going to lay down on my bed.  I stopped before realizing that someone had also lay the letter from Caleb out on my pillow.  There was a sticky note reading 'I noticed this on your bag and thought you may want to hear some words from your friends before you sleep.'  I smiled, and picked up the note.  When I fell down on my fluffy pillows, and drew up my blankets, I pulled the letter out of the envelope.  Caleb's writing was immediately recognizable.


                Gods I've missed you.  Every day I sit in your cabin, writing letters to you I will never send.  I write down things I could never stand to tell you in person, things I would not even write down in a normal letter.  I think every day, is there any chance that you are alive?  I decided to send this letter just in hope you would respond.  I have been thinking a lot.  Yeah, I know, you are probably just like "Caleb is thinking?  The world is ending!"  And yeah, the world is ending.  At least it feels like it is.

                Every day it feels like my heart is breaking a little more.  I see things that remind me of you, and then once I think about you once, I cannot get you off my mind for the rest of the day.  Annabeth and Percy have tried to include me in things, but I feel as if they are trying to fill a hole that will never be filled.  The colors seem brighter at camp, and it doesn't feel right at all.  I have one question for you Cat.  Will you ever return?  Will you come and pull silly pranks with Raven, Alisa and I on Percy and Annabeth?  Are you even alive?  Please Cat, I don't think I can live every day, knowing you lost that chance.

Love, Cal

                I had to choke back tears that threatened to break through.  "I hope so." I held the parchment up to my heart.  "I really hope so Cal."  I fell asleep with tears still flowing and the letter in my grasp.  Thankfully, I had a dreamless sleep.  No haunting images like last night, but I could feel pain all over my body, almost as if a thousand knives were stabbing themselves all over my body.  I tried to thrash, and screamed for help until my throat was hoarse, but nothing relieved my pain.  Please, someone help me.  I thought repeatedly.  I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, and blackspots scattered across my vision.  I lay still for a bit, blinking the spots out of my eyes before slowly getting up. 

                Every night for the next few days came with either the horrid dream, or the feeling of pain.  Occasionally mum or dad would run in and wake me up, but when I fell back asleep, the nightmares were back again.  The days when I had the pain, I was dragging around.  On the morning of August 29, I had woken up from the fire dream again.  When I looked out of my window, I saw fog resting above the water.  I pressed my hand to the window before quickly withdrawing it from the cold surface.  Immediately I turned to the closet and pulled out a golden wool sweater and dark skinny jeans with brown combat boots.  It may not have been the best fashion choice, but right now, I just want warm and comfortable.  I raced through my shower, using the peppermint-scented products.  Once I was out, I quickly dried my hair and braided it to the side and curling any hair that was out of it.

                Mum was already up when I ran down the steps. "Your father is still in bed, I will go wake him up now, try to be ready in an hour."  She left with pancakes and whipped cream on the table.  I took two pancakes and spread the whipped cream on them thinly before cutting them up like a pizza and slowly eating them, savoring the sweet taste.  Ten minutes later mum and dad came down, ready, and I headed up to brush my teeth quickly.  Once I came back downstairs, they were both waiting in the sitting room.  I held my enchanted handbag in my hand, and had packed for the night.  My trunk was in the entryway waiting to be transported to the Leaky Cauldron.  I pulled my parents to my trunk, dad took my trunk, and mum took my hand, and we dissaparated away. 

                The moment we arrived, Tom walked out from behind the bar and led us to an empty room.  The room looked almost exactly like the room I had used last week, but instead of three twin beds, there was just a queen and twin bed.  My trunk was deposited at the end of my bed, and I immediately grabbed mum and dad's hands before going to explore the alley.  Several shops had opened for the Hogwarts students, and I headed straight to the Quidditch shop.  This year I was determined to get over my stupid fear of heights.  There was no reason that I could not get over it; nothing had caused it.  Mum and dad let me look around, but I could not buy anything.  Two hours later after wandering around Diagon Alley, we returned to the hotel.  Lunch was a simple onion stew, not exactly the best, but once I was finished, I immediately raced back into the Alley, almost running into a boy who looked to be a third year.

                "Woah! Slow down there!  Who are you?"  He grasped my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.  I felt like I was captured in them, as if he was extracting every thought from my mind.  His voice sounded like Harry's, but it was slightly huskier and more welcoming.  His hair was the same raven black as Harry's and I could have sworn they were related somehow.  I caught my breath, and smiled up at him.

                "I am Catherine," I stated, "Catherine Weasley, but almost everyone calls me Cathy.  Second year Gryffindor."

                "Well," He grinned as he turned to walk beside me down Diagon Alley. "I am Cody, Cody Potter."  WHAT?


October 12, 2015

... I can't stop thinking about him.  I think I am in love... NOOOOO

*BAM* wut

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