36 Huntress

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Chapter 36 (BACK TO CATHY)

I sat down in the tent that had been set up for Lady Artemis, and watched the sun set through the opening. Two hours ago I had woken up at camp next to Caleb, and had left him. Today was my birthday, but surely he did not remember that. Today was the day I had aged twelve years, and would cease to age again. Soon enough Artemis walked in and closed the entrance.

She turned to look at me, and sat on the cushion opposite me. "It is time for you to take your oath. Repeat after me. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis,"

"I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis,"

"I turn my back on the company of men,"

"I turn my back on the company of men,"

"Accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

"Accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

"I accept it." Artemis finished off. I started to repeat her last words, but she held up her hand and laughed. "You need not to repeat that anymore. The oath is now binding. Remember it, as it is your life." I closed my eyes as strength and power seemed to flow into me. All my worries seemed to be gone, and I knew that I had forsaken a mortal life from then on.

*~* exactly two months later on August 22nd *~*

I walked down the same road I had grown up on since Hermione started at Hogwarts. Artemis had let me go on my own for a day. I had snuck into Camp Half-Blood, and flooed over to a random fireplace near my home. When I finally reached my house, I was shocked that our yard looked rather untended. Our front door stood ajar in the frame. I cautiously approached the doorway. I could hear muted sobbing from up the stairway. Suddenly there was a tinkled of breaking china from the kitchen.

My bow and arrows appeared over my back, and my knife vest shimmered into existence under my coat. I pulled my wand out of my pocket, and placed it in my left hand while quietly drawing a knife from the vest with my right hand. The door was slightly in the frame, so I nudged it open with my foot. A tall figure in black, hooded robes whirled around to face me. He wore a silver mask over his face. When he saw me, he started to chuckle.

"One fickle first year. What chance does one little tiny first year have against me? Drop your wand and knife, and maybe, maybe, I may spare your tiny, little life." He let out a full laugh, but it was cut short as I flung my knife right at his heart. He let out a high squeal as it drew nearer to his body, but once the blade passed right through his chest harmlessly, he looked up at me with wide eyes. I switched my wand to my right hand and made a threatening movement. He gave me one last look of disgust and disappeared with a harsh crack. I pulled out a chair, and collapsed in it.

There was a sudden clatter above, and I could hear the other imposter noisily running down the hall upstairs. They must have paused on the top of the steps, because the noise stopped momentarily. The floorboards creaked as they slowly made their way down the staircase. I groaned and slowly got up from the chair. As the noise from the stairs continued, I crept along the wall of the kitchen, and made my way over to the door. I had to take care not to be within view of the door as I ducked below the island. The creaking stopped again for a moment, and I peeked around the edge of the counter. I could see no difference in the hall to the front door except a faint shadow on the wall at the end of the steps.

The figure started to move again, and I did the same, creeping out of sight of the door, and to back to the wall. By the time the creak of the steps changed to footsteps on the floor outside of the door, I had finally reached the door, and hid behind it. The footsteps receded as the intruder must have been heading to the living room. I climbed quietly onto the counter, and perched myself in a good position to attack the other intruder. The steps began to head to the kitchen as I shifted a little. The door slowly creaked open, and a wand protruded from the wood. It was cherry wood with little specks of black. A hand soon followed, and then a boy my age emerged with obsidian black hair, facing away from me. He quickly turned his head so fast, it snapped, and his eyes widened. His eyes were red, and puffy, and in his non-wand hand held a small picture of Caleb and I the last time we saw each other before Hermione started at Hogwarts.

He let out a small gasp, and his voice came out in a croak, "But... It can't be! You- You're dead! Cat you're dead!"


September 23, 2015

Yeah ik its only 870 words... but I really needed to end it there. One of these next chapters should be like 1,500 words to help make up for this and the last chapter.... Im starting end of chapter questions I think, but not every single chapter...

Q1Q What was Perseus' advice at the immediate start of the PJO series?

A1A Will be released in future chapter. I will also post the user that got it right first... if anyone even does...

*BAM* wut

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