Your fave thing about them (features)

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Her hair: no matter what the conditions down on earth her hair is always perfect!


Her eyes: you could get lost in her light green eyes for hours. Their the colour of the ocean after a storm which is beautiful.


His freckles: they cover his whole face and you think there so cute!


Her legs: every since her accident she has been insecure about her legs but you absolutely love them and always tell her that


His tattoos/war paint: you love when he's shirtless and you can trace over his tattoos and how intimidating he looks when he has his war paint on


His arms: there so strong and big that when he holds you, you fell like the safest person in the world


His nose: it's cute and You love to kiss it 😘 and you love how he gets annoyed when you boop it


His lips: you love his soft plump lips and there so tempting to kiss 😍


His hands: there so big that when he holds yours you look like you have mouse hands. It's adorable

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