Imagine for Bellamy x Taylor

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oh my lord! i am so sorry i have been inactive lately i just had a wave of assignments and tests!! but its all good now I've finished them and i'm straight back into writing! so for my first imagine in a while i wrote it for my girl Lydiaisastilinski !!! i hope you like it xx i miss you so much !

imagine for Taylor 



I jumped of the steps of the ladder, looking towards the doors of the drop ship and seeing my boyfriend, Bellamy and his little sister, Octavia hugging each other before they opened the door to the ground and everyone ran out excitedly. I followed closely behind breathing in the fresh air and trying to take in my surrounds. I smile was plastered on my face as I heard the sound of Bellamy's voice. I looked among the green trees, my eyes stopping when I landed on him talking to some of the delinquents,

"Bellamy!" I yelled happily, I watch his head turn in my direction but I didn't expect him to glare at me and turn back around "Bell?" I spoke much quieter,

"What!" he yelled, angrily. I stood shock evident on my face. How could he speak to me like that after what I did for him? How could his push me away after all those years we spent together?

"Taylor!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Octavia, the girl I thought of as my little sister running up to me. My lips were slightly apart and I couldn't seem to take my eyes of him. "Taylor?" she spoke with concern laced in her voice as she finally reached me, she followed my gaze to her brother; the boy that I sacrificed my life for. "What's wrong" she asked pulling me from my gaze with a tight hug.

"He won't talk to me" I spoke confused, hugging her back "his barley even looked at me" tears pricked at my eyes.

"He's just probably just beating himself up about what happened, he'll come around soon" Octavia tried comforting me. "Now no more moping around, let's go on an adventure!" she shrieked happily pulling me towards a bunch of other delinquents. "Sounds like a party make it 6" Octavia said smiling at them,

"Hey what the hell are you doing" Bellamy said grabbing Octavia's upper arm, ignoring me completely,

"Going for a walk" she replied

"Okay let's go" one of the girls spoke, I stood to the side watching Bellamy and Octavia saying goodbye before grabbing my arm and pulling me to catch up with the others I soon learned to be Clarke, Monty, Jasper and Finn.

---------- Time skip -----------

We had been on the ground for about a two weeks now and the discovery of the grounders took its toll on all the delinquents, people were turning on each other and the camp was turning to shit. To make matters worse Bellamy had finally started talking to me, calling me fat, worthless, a waste of air and many more hurtful things. I sat alone by the camp fire watching the stars when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, I looked around to find Bellamy sitting across from me. My stomach automatically dropped, I was hoping and praying he wouldn't speak to me just once but my prayers weren't answered and his mount opened,

"You know you're such a waste of space" he growled

"Yep I do, you've told me a thousand times" I replied trying not to sound hurt,

"Good you should never forget it" he said with a sick smile, I stood up to leave

"Where are you going?! I wasn't finished talking to your ugly ass" he hissed

"Do you think I care?! You're a dick and I hate you so much! I sacrificed my whole life for you and this is how you repay me!" I screamed tears streaming down my face. My thoughts turned back to the night I got locked up,

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