Imagine for -MagconBoysAreBae- Bellamy x Alex

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Imagine for Alex


You were sitting next to your best friend Atom laughing at the stories he told you. Bellamy had just finished talking to Clarke when he turned around and saw you laughing at Atom and sitting dangerously close in his opinion.

"well i got to go big hunting trip tomorrow, night Alex" Atom said getting up and kissing your forehead before walking towards his tent,

"night Atom" You also go up to head towards your tent but bumped into a strong chest, looking up you saw your boyfriend Bellamy,

"oh hey Bell" you said smiling, leaning up to kiss him but he pulled away

"don't 'hey bell' me" 

"what's wrong with you?" you asked a little offended at the fuming Bellamy

"what's wrong with me? what's wrong with me?" he said face turning red with anger "all you ever do is flirt with him Alex!" he yelled pulling you into your shared tent to not make a scene

"excuse me he's my bestfriend i was having fun with him" you said bluntly as you've had this conversation with him before. He sat down and put his head in his hands,

"i know i'm sorry, i just can't help getting jealous." he said looking up at your with sad eyes,

"you don't have to be, i love you and only you" you said kissing him on the cheek,

"i love you too" he replied kissing you on the lips.  

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