Clarke - first date

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so i decided to do a little mini series of your first dates, most of them will be in alternate universes. if you would like another mini series please feel free to comment i will most likely do it so don't be shy! 

- Peggy

Date location - a carnival 


A couple of days after you gave Clarke your number you received a text from her asking if you wanted to go to the carnival with her today and of course you said yes! You were standing in front of your wardrobe trying to figure out what to where and after many swaps and changes you finally settled on a white crop top, with a mint skirt, white shoes and a mint scarf (as seen in the picture above). You made your way out of your bedroom and on time the doorbell rang, you grabbed  your purse and phone before opening the door to find Clarke standing there with a bouquet of red roses,

"these are for you" she said handing  you the flowers "and you look beautiful"

"thank you, so do you" you replied blushing "i'll be back in a minute" you said running inside and putting the flowers in a vase before meeting Clarke back at the front door 

"You ready?" she asked

"yep" you replied, closing the door behind you before walking to Clarke's car where she opened the the door for you 

"thank you" you smiled brightly,

"My pleasure" she replied smiling before hopping into the drivers seat and driving off to carnival.

When you arrived you ran straight to the first game you could see which happened to be shoot-a-duck. 

"oh my gosh Clarke look how big that teddy bear is!" your eyes lit up at the prize to be won. Clarke smiled at you freaking out over a teddy bear.

You paid the man at the stand and took yours shots, missing every time. Your smile soon turned into a frown as you pouted at Clarke,

"Don't worry (Y/N), ill get it for you" your eyes lit up again as Clarke moved forwards to pay the man before picking up the gun. She took her first shot hitting a duck, your smile grew wider. She then took her second and third not missing once. 

"good job! what prize would you like?" the man asked 

"that one" Clarke said pointing to the big teddy bear you wanted. The man gave it to Clarke and she made her way back over to you. 

"for you" she said smiling brightly as you hugged her, thanking her over and over again 

"thank you! thank you! thank you! Your the best!!" you exclaimed kissing her cheek.

The rest of the night contained of many games and eating heaps of carnival food and at the end of the night you sat at the very top of the Ferris wheel, thanking Clarke for a wonderful night and soon had locked lips for the first time out of many more to come.

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