Imagine for whitneydchesser Nyko x artemis

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imagine for whitneydchesser

i'm sorry that updates have been slow but i started my first job and have heaps of assignments but hopefully i can get all the requests done over the next month! :)

- Peggy


you were the camps doctor and Clarke was the nurse but your also one of the camps best hunters and today the camp had ran out of food so Bellamy asked you and a few other people to go on a hunt with him.

"okay everyone pick a partner and be back before dark" Bellamy instructed

"hey Artemis" you felt someone tapping on your shoulder, you turned around to see your bestfriend Atom smiling at you,

"hey Atom"

"do you want to be partners?" Atom asked

"of course!" you replied smiling,

A few hours later........

You and Atom had be able to hunt 4 rabbits and a few birds but had somehow gotten lost and it was starting to get dark, you and Atom where walking together trying to find your way back to the drop ship when you heard rustling in the trees,

"what was that?" you asked holding on to Atoms arm, looking around scared

"its okay Artemis" Atom said holding you closer and pulling out his gun, Soon after grounders started jumping out of the trees

"run!" Atom yelled, you started running as fast and your legs could go. You suddenly felt a sharp pain go through your stomach, you fell to the ground clutching your stomach where a grounder had shot you.

"ARTEMIS!" Atom yelled running back to pick you up, but as he made it to you he was shot in the forehead by an arrow, killing him instantly

"NOOOO ATOM!!!" you screamed tears streaming down your face. A grounder grabbed your legs and started dragging you along the ground, you soon blacked out from all the pain and blood loss.

You woke up groggily, with sharp pain shooting through your stomach. You slowly opened your eyes to see a 3 grounders standing around you, two were holing you down while the other was pulling the arrow out of your stomach. He then placed a dagger into a fire and when it was hot enough he placed it over the arrow wound in your stomach. you let out an ear piercing scream, black dots started clouding your vision, the last thing you saw before you blacked out was the grounder healing you standing over you looking worried.

As you opened your eyes you saw the same grounder sitting next to the bed you were lying on. The other two grounders were no where to be seen so you took your chance to run but the pain was too much and you collapsed into the grounders arms,

"what are you doing you stupid girl!" the grounder hissed at you as he carried you back to the bed,

"w-who are you? why did you save me?" you asked weakly

"i am Nyko of the woods clan and we saved you as we know you are the healer of the sky people and one of our leaders has been seriously injured and we do not know how to heal her" the grounder Nyko replied.

"you want me to save your leader? what makes you think that i will do it?" you asked

"because if you do we will give you a place in our village."

"but what if i want to go back to my camp?"

"there will be nothing to go back too" Nyko replied, you were shocked by his answer but quickly replied,

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