imagine for willowrose99 Monty x Mara

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Imagine for Mara


I sat near the fire playing with my long sleeves, running my hands along the thin red lines beneath them, regretting everything that I have done since I dropped on the ground with the rest of the 100,

"Mara!" I was brought out of my train of thought by my long term boyfriend Monty yelling me name, I quickly pulled down my sleeves hiding the evidence before turning my head towards Monty and giving him the best smile I could "whatcha up to babe" he asked,

"Oh nothing just thinking" I always has my suspicions Monty knew what I was doing to myself but he never asked so I never bothered to care.

"What about" he asked his smile turned into a frown,

"Just you" I smiled trying to move away from the topic of me.

"I need to talk to you about something" his voice was stern and my heart sank,

"Of course, what about?" I asked pushing away that churning feeling in my stomach. He moved closer to me with his eyes fixed of my sleeves,

"I'm worried about you" he said reaching for my hands, I pulled away quickly not wanting him to see my wrists. "Mara please, I just want to help"

"You can't the damage is done" I reply tears silently falling down my cheeks. He moved towards me reaching for my wrists once again but this time I let him. Monty pulled my sleeves up slowly revealing the thin red lines.

"Mara" he spoke softly before pulling me into a long hug, "I love you so much, please please please come to me next time you feel this way."

"I'll try" I smiled softy, "I love you too" we sat by the fire for the rest of the night just hugging and talking like we use to before all this chaos.

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