Imagine for Theweeklycake Murphy x chloe

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Imagine for clorine9889


You had just gotten back from a very unsuccessful hunting trip with only catching one bird with Murphy, Bellamy and a few of the others. 

" You look stressful baby, whats the matter?" your boyfriend Murphy whispered in your ear pulling you towards the big bond fire in the middle of camp. 

" it's just we didn't catch anything but one tiny bird  and everyone's going to go hungry and i feel guilty" you replied tiredly sitting down, beside the bond fire and snuggling into his side,

"don't feel guilty, non of them could do as good as we did, they would have brought home nothing" he told you, pulling you closer

" thank you " you said looking up and kissing him on the corner of his mouth,

"for what?" he asked looking down at you,

"for just being you" you replied before kissing him full on the lips

"i love you" he smiled into the kiss

"i love you too" you replied pulling away and resting your head in the crook of his neck. After cuddling by the fire for a few more hours you started to drift to sleep. Murphy had noticed this and carefully picked you up bridal style and carried you into your shared tent. He placed you on the bed and climbed under the covers beside you, pulling you closer,

"goodnight beautiful" he said kissing you on the forehead,

"night murph" you replied tiredly, wrapping your arms around his torso.

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