Octavia - first date

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Date location - concert 


My best friend and girlfriend of a couple of weeks and i had decided to finally go on our first official date. We decided to go to (favorite band)'s concert, Octavia was picking me up in an hour so i decided to have a quick shower washing my hair. i hopped out,blow drying my hair before i curled it. i walked out of my bathroom into my bedroom and put on the outfit i had pick out early (as seen above). I walked down the stairs and on time Octavia rang the bell, i quickly grabbed my phone and purse before walking out the front door meeting Octavia on the front steps,

"gosh you look beautiful" i complemented her in awe,

"thank you" she replied blushing "as you do" 

"thank you" i answered kissing her cheek before walking towards her car. We both hopped in with me sitting in the passenger seat and her in the driver seat. She started the engine and off we went to (favorite band)'s concert.

When we arrived there were thousands of screaming fans making their way into the arena and somehow where got pulled into it and were pushed around until we made it into the front door.

"do you wanna go get some glow sticks?" i asked ginning widely getting very exited about seeing my favorite band,

"sure" Octavia laughed at my childish behavior. i ran off to the store selling the glow sticks and bought as many as i could hold. i ran back to Octavia nearly dropping the glow sticks as we helped each other put the around ours necks and wrists. When we finished we entered the arena with me trying to run ahead but Octavia pulling me back like i was a child and laughing at me. We finally got to our seats in the very front row. The show began and (favorite band) came running out on stage making me scream like never before, i nearly fainted into Octavia's arms, making her laugh at me again. the rest of the night consisted of me nearly dying and Octavia laughing at me. Towards the end of the concert the band played one of the slow songs and everyone in the arena pulled out glow sticks and waved them above their heads.

 Towards the end of the concert the band played one of the slow songs and everyone in the arena pulled out glow sticks and waved them above their heads

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i was so caught up in the lyrics i just suddenly turned towards Octavia and pulled her into a long passionate kiss. I pulled away to find our kiss had been show on the big screen,

"i love you Octavia Blake" i  told her blushing,

"and i love you too (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)" everyone around us awed before we locked lips once again. 

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