Imagine for caseyTWD Murphy x Casey

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sorry for not updating in a while!

imagine for Casey


Murphy my boyfriend was banished a few days ago and i couldn't stop crying, I've stayed cooped up in my tent only getting visits from my best friend Octavia. Today something different happened and it changed my life forever literally.

Octavia ran into my tent with wide eyes screaming,

"he's back Casey, he's back!" i jumped up excitedly and ran out of my tent for the first time in days. I looked around and saw a few of the boys carrying him into the dropship, all bloody and bruised with Clarke following close behind. I ran into the dropship, tears streaming down my face from worry he might not make it,

"Murphy?" i sobbed, sitting next him while Clarke check for any serious injuries,

"hey" he replied smiling weakly

"i missed you so much" i said grabbing hold of his hand and kissing him on the cheek softly

"i missed you too baby" he said just before hissing in pain 

"sorry" Clarke mumbled "Casey i need to talk to you" 

"okay" i said standing up and following Clarke out of the dropship 

"he has no serious injuries but he has to stay in bed for the next few days" she said, i sighed in relief 

"also he's going to need you Casey, he's been through a lot, he needs time to recover mentally" 

"thank you" i said sadly, hugging her before walking back into the dropship to find Murphy in a deep sleep. I sat beside the hammock which he was sleeping in and held his hand, slowly falling asleep myself.

I woke up to the sudden shouts of the people on watch and Octavia running into the dropship,

"whats wrong O?" i asked confused,

"grounders there attacking and there almost through the gate!" she said waking up Murphy in the process. i could tell she was keeping something else from me

"O i know there's something else" i said pushing her to tell me,

"well uhh there calling out Murphy's name and i asked Lincoln what they were saying and he told me that they want Murphy dead or they'll burn the camp to the ground" she said looking down at her feet,

"no they can't have him! we can beat them!" i said anger and sadness bubbling inside me,

"Casey i have to go, i can't let you die cause of me" he said taking my hand and kissing it gently,

"no please, we can fight this, no one has to die but the grounders" i said tears pouring out of my eyes

"I love you" he said limping out of the dropship,

"no Murphy!" i screamed, running after him. The grounders had broken through the walls and were heading straight at Murphy, without even thinking i ran in front of him shielding him.

"Casey watch out" He yelled trying to push me out of the way but it was too late, i looked down at my torso seeing a spear embedding just beneath my heart, i screamed out in agony and felt my knees buckle underneath me but before i hit the ground i felt two strong hands wrap around my waist, Murphy gently laid me down with my head resting in his lap.   

"Casey no please don't die" he said tears streaming out of his eyes, splashing onto my face while stroking my hair gently. Everything around me seemed to fade away as if it was just me and him,

"i'm sorry" i said choking on my own blood, my vision started to fade,

"i-- love you ---- Murph" i said one last time before fading into darkness.


hope you like it! <3  

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