Murphy - first date

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Date location - a cafe


some people would said it wasn't really a first date but it definitely counted in my head. Mine and Murphy's first date was also the first time we had ever met, i sat alone in my favorite cafe, reading (Your favorite book) sipping on my hot beverage when i heard his voice for the first time 

"excuse me?" i looked up to see a handsome man staring down at me "but do you mind if i sit here, the rest of the Cafe is full" he asked smiling at me 

"oh of course" i said smiling at him while he sat down opposite me, pulling out a newspaper.

"whatcha reading?" he asked looking up from his newspaper.

"(your favourite book)" i replied smiling "how about you?" 

"the cartoon section" we both laughed. For the rest of the morning we sat talking about anything and everything, sipping on our coffee from time to time. I looked down at my watch realizing that i would be late for work if i didn't leave now,

"i'm sorry but i have to go to work" i said a bit sad i had to leave,

"oh okay" he said smiling lightly, "i had fun, want to do it again sometime soon?" he went on

"yes of course" i grabbed a napkin and wrote my number on it handing it to him with a smile "see you"

"oh wait!" he called as i started exiting the cafe "i never caught your name"

"oh right! its (Y/N)" i smiled 

"beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Murphy"

"it was nice meeting you Murphy" i replied blushing before walking out the cafe towards work, smiling at him through the window when i passed by.

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