Imagine for Lukes_baeXX Jasper x aly

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hey guys,

so this imagine was written by my sister xxanotherfangirlxx ! she's an amazing writer and you should all go check her out. she will be posting a new story soon like mine however it's about a different fandom, i would really appreciate it if you went to read her book and gave her a follow as she wrote this amazing imagine for Aly and she is the editor of my chapters !!! :)

thank you and enjoy!

- Peggy

imagine for Lukes_baeXX


I was drowning in the strong smell of liquor, blinded by all the dancing bodies and silenced by the thumping music. I attempted to slowly push my way through the crowd, only searching for one familiar face; Jasper's. My eyes scan the surroundings, searching, but it was too difficult to move let alone find someone.

"Loosen up a little, Aly, get drunnnk, have some fun, it's Unity Day after all." A voice slurs in my ear from behind.I turn to face whomever it was. They were trying to hand me a glass over-flowing with clear liquid. I decline the drink by pushing it away with my hand.Deep, dark eyes belonging to a certain best friend of Jasper's stare back at me in disappointment,

"Monty, I'm looking for Jasper."

"Oh yeah, I think I saw him over th-that way." He says, a confused expression laid upon his face.I shoved my way through the crowd in the direction that Monty had gestured, not having a care whether or not he was actually correct about Jasper's location. However, I soon find that Monty was correct. A smile crept up on my face as I watched Jasper dance around among the other drunk people. I didn't want to interrupt his fun, so I just watched him instead. Nonetheless, he stops dancing when he sees me. His one of a kind smile forms on his face and he slowly approaches me, half dancing on the way.

"I was wondering where you had gone off to," He winks as he takes my hand in his spinning me around,

"Come." Jasper leads the way out of the crowd, me trailing behind.Once we reached a much quieter spot, only slightly lighted by the fire from the party, Jasper grabs my waist roughly. He places his fore head against mine, looking down at my lips.

"God, I love you so much, Aly," he whispers as he crashes his lips into mine.


Even though Jasper was smashed when he said that he loved me, I knew there was so much truth behind his words as someone once told me drunk words are only the words you're too afraid to say when you're sober.

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