Imagine for SUTAisaSTAR Murphy x Delaine

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So This is my first request and I'm freaking out 😱 because I've never done one before !! So I'm very very sorry if it's crap and I hope it is something like you ask for!!

- Peggy

Imagine for SUTAisaSTAR


You sat in your tent crying silently to yourself ever since Murphy was banished you couldn't sleep, the nightmares were getting worse but no one knew except for Murphy, no one even knew you two were dating.

You were brought out of thought from hearing multiple gun shots. You ran out of your tent to see Octavia and two guys you didn't know the names of bringing in Murphy looking all bloody and bruised !

You ran over to him as fast as you could and gave him a hug making sure you didn't hug him too tight to hurt him even further, you held his hand while Clarke was fixing him up and stayed with him that night to make sure he was okay.

You where woken up by Clarke's yells for anyone who's had contact with Murphy to get in the drop ship. As you where already there you didn't have to move. Clarke and some others entered the dropship.
"Clarke what's going on? Are you okay? " you asked seeing blood dripping from her eyes
" Murphy you need to tell me what happened to you at the grounded camp" Clarke asked
Murphy then went on to tell how they accidentally left his cage open one night and he took his chance to run
" they let you ---"
Clarke was suddenly cut off by you coughing blood up, Murphy stood up just in time to catch you from collapsing,
"Lay her on her side!" Clarke yelled
Murphy complied.

When you where done with your coughing spasm Murphy wiped you mount to clean the blood and placed you in the hammock his was in moments ago.
" Delaine I'm so sorry, I should have never of come back " Murphy said with tears in his eyes while holding your hand tightly
" no murphy, i can't live without you I need you here. I don't care If I die as long as I get to see you one last time" you replied with blood streaming out of your eyes
" I love you Delaine "
" I love you too "
Murphy then crashed his lips onto yours but was interrupted by Finn coming in With Clarke in his arms placing her in one of the other hammocks. Finn then look over to you and Murphy and said
" woah guys sorry for interrupting never knew ya's where a thing "
Murphy looked at you with a small smile and loving eyes
" yeah we are, she's the love of my life " replied Murphy before kissing you again

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