Imagine for trishkebab Monty x Trish

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Imagine for Trish


My body was definitely not ready for all the new sicknesses and diseases that came with being on the ground and today was the first time I would experience its unpleasantness. It all started in the middle of the night when I had a sudden urge to release the contents of my stomach in the corner of my shared tent with Monty. I must have woken up Monty in my sudden outburst because I felt him pull my hair out of my face and rub my back until I had finished,

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I apologized to him rubbing my mouth with the back of my hand,

"It's alright babe, here have a drink" he said sympathetically, handing me a flask of water,

"Thank you" I mumbled before taking a sip

"Let's get you back into bed, your heating up" Monty said worriedly placing his hand on my forehead, feeling my temperature. "Come on" he said taking my hand and leading me over to the bed. I lied down as he pulled the covers over me before slipping into the space beside me "go to sleep babe" he said tiredly, kissing the back of my neck as I started to close my eyes. The rest of the night consisted of lots of vomiting and cuddles. Monty was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for because he stayed with me through all my bad and disgusting moments throughout my flu and even made it his priority to help bring me back to health which I did a few days after that night.


Hope you like it :)

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