Monroe - first date

920 11 0

Date location - Glow in the dark mini golf


We made our way hand in hand through the front door of the glow in the dark mini golf for our first date as a couple. We paid for our entry, grabbed clubs and made our way over to the first hole,

"i have no idea how to do this!" we both laughed at my strange attempt of hitting the ball, missing the hole completely

"here let me show you" Monroe giggled in my ear as she stood behind me wrapping her arms around my waist, holding my hands and helping me stand correctly, "and now you hit the ball" she said helping me tap the ball softly. The ball rolled going straight into the hole!

"oh my gosh!" i yelled jumping up and down "thank you thank you!" i said hugging her excitedly. We spent most the day playing mini golf and joking around before we got hungry and decided to go to a small Cafe near by and eat lunch.

"i have no idea what to order" i said looking over the giant, delicious looking menu "there's so much to choose from. It's too hard!"

"ahaha how about i choose for you?" Monroe laughed as she stood up and made her way over to the counter to pay for our food,

"okay but make sure its good!" i yelled after her as she laughed at me. Moments later she returned with a table number and we talked for a few minutes before our food was brought out,

"do you like it?" she asked nervous as i was just staring at my food,

"like it? i love it!" i yelled snapping out of my daydream, looking down at the grilled cheese sandwich and vanilla milkshake sitting in front of me.  

"that's good, you scared me for a moment" we both laughed. We spent the rest of the afternoon eating and talking endlessly until i realized it was dark outside and i had to go home,

"i have to go i'm sorry, but thank you for an amazing day" i said a little sad before standing up and giving her a hug.

"no problem see you soon?" she asked kissing my cheek,

"of course! bye!" i replied waving before walking out of the cafe


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