imagine for darklordcthalhu Roan x Clarke

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Roan x Clarke imagine, requested by darklordcthalhu



I sat by the fire in my shared apartment waiting for my girlfriend Lexa to come home from her six month tour in the Army, listening out for the jingle of her Keys opening the front door. It was starting to become late and I was slowing drifting off to sleep when I heard the sound of a car pulling up into the driveway. My Head snapped towards the front door watching as the handle slowly turned signifying Lexa's return. I jumped from my place on the sofa racing towards the door, sinking into her warm arms.

"I missed you so much" I sobbed into her arms

"I missed you too" she smiled sadly,

"How was it?" I asked,

"Can we talk tomorrow, I'm very tired" she sounded so different from the last time I heard her voice, she sounded in pain and full of regret,

"Of course" I smiled softy, pecking her cheek before helping her carry her luggage to our room. I laid in our bed trying to drift off to sleep but the reunion from just moments ago kept replaying over and over in my head wondering what went wrong and why it wasn't all smiles and kisses. The tour definitely took its toll on Lexa and so far it doesn't seem in a very positive way. When morning came, Lexa was already dressed and out the front door before I could get in a word, only coming home just after midnight. It had been playing out like this for weeks, we rarely spoke as she came home drunk most nights. I had finally had enough and decided to confront her no matter what state she was in. I stood in the kitchen grabbing myself a glass of water when I heard her stumble into the house, the smell of liquor emitting off of her. She made her way into the kitchen stopping suddenly when she saw me standing there, she slowly turned around heading for the stairs without saying a word,

"Lexa!" I called after her watching her stop dead in her tracts.

"Yes darling" she slurred, making her way towards me again. A fake smile was plastered on her face.

"What have you been up too?" I asked waiting for an explanation

"I've been cheating on you" she blurted out shocking me, my heart sank. Nothing she said after that was audible I was heartbroken,

"Get out" I said tears staining my cheeks, my hand shakenly pointing towards the door,

"Whatever" I heard her mumble, I sank to the kitchen floor sobbing as I watched the love of my life walk away. I reached out to my phone to call the only person I had left.


I woke up in the middle of the night to the loud vibration of my phone, sitting on my bedside table. I quickly answered the call as soon as I realised It was Clarke,

"Hello?" I spoke tiredly rubbing my eyes,

"Roan" I heard her soft sobs coming through the phone, my heart broke a little hearing her cry,

"Clarke? What's wrong" I asked concern laced into my voice,

"Lexa... she cheated on me" her voice broke,

"Oh god Clarke" I spoke down the phone "I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you come over?" I heard her whisper,

"Of course, I'll be there in five minutes"

"See you then" she cried as I hung up the phone, running to get changed so I could get to my best friend as quickly as possible.


I sat on the edge of my bed, oblivious to the noise of Roan entering the house

"Clarke?" I heard him yelled into the dark room "where are you?" I sat on my bed silently waiting for him to make his way up to my bedroom. "Clarke?" I heard him say again as he walked through the doorway. He sat on the bed next to me before I broke into uncontrollable sobs. Roan held me in the strong arms and stayed with me that night as I slept.


I held her tight and she slept peacefully in my arms with tear strained cheeks. I slowly let go of her to make her breakfast as the sun had start to rise. I made my way down to the kitchen cooking her pancakes but as I was about to make my way back upstairs I was startle by Clarke standing in the doorway.

"Hey" she said in a sleepy voice

"Hey Clarke, I made you breakfast" I smiled placing the pancakes on the dining table.

"I love you" she blurted out so fast I was startled,

"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked thinking I heard her wrong.

"I—I love you" she replied unsure of herself,

"I love you too Clarke, I have loved you since the day I met you" I replied smiling brightly slowly making my way towards her before I smashed my lips into hers and picking her up, leading her to the bedroom.

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