Imagine for roseyputt

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sorry i haven't updated in forever i have so many assignments and i proably won't be able to update much for a little  while :(


We had only been on the ground for a few days now and I was already starting to fall in love with one of the boys, even though I couldn't admit it out loud it was killing me slowly on the inside watching him flirt with every girl.

"Hey sexy" I heard him as he sat beside me by the campfire

"Hey Murphy" I smiled, eating the dinner the guys brought back earlier,

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?" Murphy smirked looking at my lips,

"Hmmm I dunno I hope so" I smirked back trying to hide my blush

"Aww come on Rose they don't exist" he fake pouted,

"Alright" I said kissing him on his cheek "you never said where!" I laughed running away from him with him closely in pursuit

"ahhh" I screamed laughing as he scooped me up into his arms "put me down Murphy!!!!" I laughed,

"Are you sure you want that?" Murphy smirked. I felt his grip around me start to loosen, I realized what he was about to do but it was too late. I landing on the ground with a loud 'oomph',

"Murphy!" I screamed faking a pout

"Aww come on babe, don't cry" Murphy said holding his hand out waiting for me to take it. I smirked grabbing his hand and pulling him down to the forest floor with me. We both started laughing as he landed on top of me,

"eeeeeeeek!" I laughed "you're squishing me!" we both laughed but stopped as our faces came dangerously close together. I looked up to his lips as did he to mine,

"Um well ahh" Murphy coughed standing up and pulling me with him "I have to go guard the wall, talk later yeah?"

"Yeah of course" I said a little disappointed as he walked away from me.

---------Time skip------------

It has been a few weeks since that moment where Murphy and I nearly kissed and things have been different since then. Everyone is becoming a little more scared and reckless waiting for a grounder to attack but one night they finally did.

No one knows what really happens except that Jaha's son Wells was murdered just outside camp walls by what is assumed a grounder. But it was later found that John Murphy's knife was the weapon used to kill Wells and everyone automatically assumed Murphy did it. Everything happened so fast and I had little time to react but I finally did,

"STOP! STOP IT PLEASE!" I screamed as I tried pulling them of Murphy "please!" I screamed over and over again getting no response. Until I was finally able to pull one of them off and kick him where the sun don't shine, he fell straight to the ground. One by one I started hitting and kicking them until I felt multiple arms grab me and pull me back

"Stop please!!" I screamed as they wrapped a rope around Murphy's neck, everything after that went by as a blur and Murphy was finally released. I ran over to him, sitting on the ground beside him,

"Oh my gosh Murph! I love you so much!" I admitted smashing my lips on his, feeling him kiss back.

"You really mean that?" he asked unsure,

"Of course I do, I have loved you for as long as I can remember"

"I love you too" he smiled before kissing me again.


hope you like it !

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