imagine for NaynoJ raven x (Y/N)

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Imagine for NaynoJ

Requested to use (Y/N)


i was running through the forest trying to make my way home after along day of hunting before it became dark but as i swam my way through the lake i forgot about the lake creature that lived here. I could feel something moving beneath me, a sudden wave of realization took over me but before i could move i was taken under the water by the creature wrapping its mouth around my waist. I tried yelling out for help but my mouth just filled with murky lake water causing me to choke. The lake creature shook me around under the water for what felt like hours, ripping open my stomach in the process. i was starting to lose consciousness when i felt the creature release me and fell to the bottom of the lake. i felt something grab me by my arms and pull me to the surface before taking me to the shore before i could see who saved me i slipped into unconsciousness.


I woke up to a feeling of excruciating pain on my stomach and something heavy lying on my arm. I looked down to see my girlfriend Raven sleeping on my arm holding my hand tight,

"Raven" i whispered with a dry throat, moving my hand to touch her but quickly stopping as it sent pains through my stomach.

"Raven" i said a little louder trying to wake her up,

"Raven please wake up" she moaned and lifted her head to look at me. When she saw i was awake she jump out of her seat and gave me a hug trying not to hurt me even more,

"can you get me some water ?" i asked coughing 

"yes ill be back in a minute!" she said running out of the dropship, she came back in moments later with a cup of water which i took gratefully and drank it in one gulp.

"thank you" i said wiping my lips, "what happened" i finally asked

"i found you in the lake with the creature trying to eat you, so i killed it and brought you back here" she explained "but when Clarke was patching your stomach up your heart stopped" tears were now streaming down her face " but she somehow revived you and you've been asleep for about a week, i thought i lost you (Y/N),i was so scared" she said grabbing my hand and squeezing it

"but you didn't and i'm here, perfectly fine" i said trying to make her feel better, smiling softly "and i love you so much i would never leave you" i said trying to sit up to kiss her but hissed in pain and fell back down

"no no no don't hurt yourself anymore" she said leaning down and kissing me softly " i love you too"   

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