imagine for cozywhitesheets Lexa x Sara

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Imagine for Sara


I sat on the Balcony waiting for Lexa to come home after a long, stressful day. I had planned a relaxing, candle lit dinner for her birthday. I sat in silence listening to the quite noise of the people below as I heard Lexa enter our chambers,

"Sara? Where are you?" Lexa called out

"I'm on the balcony" I yelled back smiling, waiting to see her face.

"Oh my gosh" I turned my head around to find Lexa walking though the curtains onto the balcony with a small smile placed on her lips. I stood up to greet her with a kiss,

"Happy birthday" I smiled, looking into her green eyes.

"You did this for me?" she asked, her eyes lighting up as she looked among the hundreds of candles lighting up the balcony,

"Of course" I said grabbing her hand "I would do anything for you" I pulled the chair out for her watching as she gracefully sat down before sitting in my own.

"I love you" Lexa smiled placing her hand on mine,

"I love you too" I replied kissing her cheek softly "oh! Before I forget, I got you a little something" I said reaching under the table and pulling a small box out.

"Sara, you didn't have too" she blushed,

"Of course I did! Open it!" I smiled excited to see her reaction, she slowly opened the box revealing a small locket my mother had given to me before she died,

"Sara it's beautiful but I cannot accept this, this was your mothers"

"Please take it, I want it to remind you of me when we are apart" I smiled, taking the locket from her and placing it around her neck,

"I love it" she smiled "thank you" the rest of the night was spent with many laughs and kisses. And a very special birthday present later on in the night ;)


I hope you like it ! I'm sorry it was so short <3

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