How they like your hair

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The photo is for Bellamy's one.


Out, she loves how your hair is short and wavy


Braided, she loves to play with your long (Y/H/C) hair and braids it every morning in either one or two braids


You grounder hairstyle (look at photo), Bellamy loves how badass you look with your grounder hairstyle


High ponytail, she loves is up In a high ponytail just like hers. Some days she'll do it for you and add plaits or twists to it as well


In two buns, Lincoln loves how you look so adorable with two buns on top of you head


Out, he loves to run his fingers through your hair to calm him self down from a stressful day and he can't do that if it's up


In a fishtail braid, Jasper loves how complicated it looks but you manage to do it without any trouble


In a bun, he loves the way all your hair is out of the way of your beautiful face so he can see every single gorgeous feature


Half up half down, he says you look hot! 😍 whether it's in a half bun or just a half ponytail

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