Imagine for _Sinead_ Roan x Sinead

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i'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever I've been very busy but hopefully i can update more often.

imagine for Sinead 

warnings:                                                                                                                                                                                    smut (I'm not very good at smut so sorry if it makes no sense!)

and I've only seen 3 episodes of season 2 ( i know right kill me now :'(  ) so sorry if you imagined it differently i pictured it to  be in those first few episodes 


i was running through the forest trying to get away from the ice nation who where trying to kill me, when i was pulled into the bushes by two strong arms. i tried to scream but my captor had his hands covering my mouth. when the ice nation had passed he took he hands off my mouth and i took that as my chance to run. I got up as fast as i could but i was pulled back with the man hissing in my ear,

"what the hell are you doing i saved your life!" 

"then why can't i go" i said back struggling to get out off his hold, i looked up towards this strange man and was mesmerized by his amazing features.

"cause you will get yourself killed and i couldn't let such a bad thing happen to a beautiful girl now could i" he said looking deep into my eyes, stroking my cheek softly,

"no i guess you couldn't" i replied smirking 

"now come, you shall have dinner with me tonight" 

"okay, but first what if your name?" i replied standing up with him grabbing my hand 

"my name is Roan, and you?" 

"Sinead" and with that he started pulling me along towards an underground train station where i assumed he sleeps.

he pulled me towards blankets and pillows laid out on the floor making me sit down on them. He walked over to a bunch of logs and started a fire. he came back over to the blankets and sat down next to me, seeing that i was shivering he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my small frame.

"thank you" i said snuggling into his side pulling the blankets over us. As the night went on we just talked about everything and anything, flirting aimlessly. The night was growing colder and we hugged each other so tight there was no gaps,

"you are very beautiful" Roan whispered into my ear with his deep husky voice,

"thank you" i replied blushing, he looked deep into my eyes before placing soft kisses along my neck, finding my sweet spot, making me moan. He sucked deeply on my sweet spot making sure to leave a hickey. His hands slid down to the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it off before attaching his lips to mine. He work his way around my body taking off my clothes one by one as i did to him. Once my last piece of clothing was taken off he slowly pushed himself into me, kissing me passionately in the process.


andddddddddddddd cut, well um that was shit ahaha.      

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