Jasper - first date

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Date location - bowling 


For my first date with Jasper he decided to take me bowling. We had decided to meet each other there so when i arrived, Jasper was waiting for me at a table near the canteen,

"Hi!" i said as i approached the table he was occupying

"hey, you look beautiful" he said making me blush,

"you don't look too bad yourself" i joked.

"i'll go get us some shoes, what size are you?" he asked standing up smiling down at me,

"(Your feet size)" i replied,

"You have tiny feet!" he exclaimed

"well what size are you?" i asked

"11" he replied (11 is pretty big in Australia so yeah)

"you have big feet!" i said mocking his tone from earlier.

"tiny feet are cute" he said laughing,

"well big feet aren't" i said jokingly. Jasper put his hand over his heart with a socked face acting hurt. "joking joking! there adorable!" i said laughing to which Jasper joined in,

"i'll be back in a minute" he said as i sat down in the seat he was previously occupying 

Jasper came back over a few minutes later holding two pairs of shoes.

"our alley is this way" he said handing me my pair of shoes ad leading the way to the alley we would be bowling in. We sat down putting our shoes on.

"wanna go first?" Jasper asked smiling at me

"oh hell no i suck at bowling" i replied laughing 

"well i can show you how its done" he winked before picking up a ball and moving towards the lane. He bowled the ball hitting ever single pin! he jumped up and down excitedly making me laugh,

"come on your turn" he smiled "not that it would make any difference, i mean who can beat that" he said laughing gesturing to his bowl.

"i don't even know how to bowl!" i laughed trying to figure out what fingers go in which hole. Jasper came over to me laughing helping me place my fingers in the holes before telling me how to place my feet. 

"you can do it!" he encouraged, i bowled the ball knocking over a few pins.

"oh my gosh!" i screamed excitedly, hugging Jasper "thank you!" i said grinning widely 

"no worries!" he laughed at how excited i was "you have another shot" i walked back over with my bowling ball before follow Jasper's instructions again letting the ball fall out of my hands, speeding towards the pins Knocking over nearly all of them!

"yay!" i yelled again.

we played a couple of rounds with me losing miserably every time 

"aw don't worry we can come back another time and i'll go easy on you" Jasper joked as we exited the bowling alley 

"i would love that" i laughed with him before we went our separate ways back home from the first of many more dates.     

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