Imagine for cynthia_guevarra8 Jasper x cynthia

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Imagine for Cynthia_guevarra8


You and jasper had both finally got a day off from work, so you guys decided to have a lazy day.
"Jasper I'm bored" you told him while poking his cheek
" hi bored, I'm jasper" jasper replied while chuckling
" noooooooo jasper I'm serious"
" hi serious, I'm jasper"
"Jasperrrr" you said whining
"Cynthiaaaaaaa" he replied mocking you
"Stop it"
"Stop it" jasper replied In a girly voice
" Jasper's a butthole"
"Cynthia's a butthole"
"Shut up" you said jabbing him in the side
" Ow!" Jasper screamed "that's it your gonna get it now babe" jasper said laughing evily,
" no jasper please don't" you said hoping off the bed and backing away.
"Please I'm sor-----"
You we're cut off by jasper pouncing on you and tackling you too the ground. He pinned you down and started tickling you to the point where you were laughing and crying,
"P-please s-s-stop" you pleaded laughing
" I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, I thought I heard you asking me to keep going?" Jasper replied tickling you harder
" j-jasper p-please "
" okay " jasper replied smirking as he leaned in and attacked your lips with his, he picks you up and places you on your bed. Still kissing you he slowly starts pulling your shirt off, once it was off you started placing soft kisses all over your torso saying he loved you in between each kiss, he attached his lips back to yours as you started to unbuckle his belt, you where suddenly interrupted by Murphy entering your tent and screaming
Jasper quickly got off you, fumbling to do up his belt, as you quickly shoved your shirt back on with scared expressions on your faces,
"H-hey Murphy, what y-you doing here" jasper asked stuttering
" I came here to talk to my sister!" Murphy replied Angrily, slowly walking towards jasper with his fists balled. You quickly stood in front of your brother yelling,
" JASPER RUN!!!!!!!!"
Jasper quickly ran out of the tent squealing like a girl as Murphy ran after him,
"I'm going to kill you jasper! Stop running!" Murphy yelled
You ran out of the tent after them screaming at Murphy to stop.
Jasper saw Bellamy and jumped on Bellamy's back screaming
" don't let him kill me!!!!! I'm too young to die!!! Bellamy save meeeeeeeeee!!!"
The whole camp was now watching the scene unfold,
"Jasper get of me!!"
"Noooooo he's gonna kill me"
"What did you do !?"
" he walked in on me and Cynthia kissing"
" and he's gonna kill you because of that? It's sooooo obvious that you too are dating, all you do is make goggly eyes at each other all day!"
"Let me have him Bellamy!" Murphy yelled
" no Bellamy don't!" You scream
"And why not little sis!!?!??"
" cause I love him!"
"You love him!!?"
"Yes I do!"
"Naww I didn't know you loved him, that's so cute" Murphy said hugging you,
"You can come down now jasper I'm not gonna kill you"
Jasper slowly hopped off Bellamy's back and walked towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
" ahaha I was just kidding, your dead meat!" Murphy said running after a screaming jasper.
Let's just say that went on for the whole night until you punched Murphy in the nose and dragged jasper into your tent, so from that day forward Murphy was too afraid to come near jasper just in case you punched him again


Okay so I'm actually so sorry like oh my gosh I thought this was starting out to be good and then I don't even know when the hell happened, I was laughing so hard while writing the part with Bellamy and I don't know what's wrong with me!!!!! So I'm very very sorry if it's crap and nothing like you imagined it to be !!!!!

- Peggy

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