Imagine for Ruby3446 Bellamy x Ruby

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Hey everybody! Sorry for not updating in a while but I've been busy but it's school holidays so I can update more ✌️ I would just like to do a shoutout to Lydiaisastilinski as she's my bestie and an amazing writer, please check her out she has a few books about teen wolf. Thank you! 💕

Imagine for Ruby3446


When you were on the ark you had no one apart from your Boyfriend Bellamy. Bellamy had told you about his sister Octavia and you swore to help him protect her. On the day of the masquerade party, Bellamy had asked you to help him keep Octavia safe but for her to also have a good time, so you dressed up and Stayed close to Octavia the whole time, but unfortunately the stupid guards had to do a check of all the people and Octavia was caught. You had watched the whole scene unfold and decided to step in and help her escape no matter what the consequences, you ran up to the guard who had hold of her and hit him right in the balls, he let go of Octavia,

"RUN O RUN!!" you yelled at her pointing towards an exit, two guards came charging towards you and hit you with the electric shocker. You fell to the ground, black clouding your vision. The last thing you saw before you were knocked out was Octavia being detained.


As you were only 17 you were sent to the skybox. Bellamy visited you almost everyday while you were in there, saying how much he was sorry for pulling you into his issue and making you end up there but every time you just told him;  

"Bell it wasn't your fault, i promised you to protect your sister and i failed; I chose to hit that guard so its my fault"

Your 18th birthday is today and for some weird reason Bellamy didn't come and visit you before you were going to get floated, guards came storming into your cell and instead of taking you to get floated they took you to a dropship with the other 100 criminals that were in the skybox including Octavia who you were sat next too.   

"O, whats going on?" you asked slightly scared,

"we're going to the ground Ruby; we're going to be the first people to be on the ground in almost a century" she said grinning widely. You returned the smile as you were now realized that today you would not die and maybe could have a future but that quickly turned into a sad thought as Bellamy would still be on the ark where you would no longer be.

Multiply screams where heard as you entered the Earths atmosphere, the landing was rough and two out of the hundred had died. Everyone quickly got out of there seats, exited to see the ground. You had lost Octavia in all the chaos and had waited for everyone to descend down the ladders as you didn't feel like being crushed today. Finally you were the only one left on the dropship and you quickly made your way down the ladder and out the hatch.

As you finally reached the outside you were hit with a wave of new smells; the air smelt fresh and clean compared to what you were use to on the ark, everything was green; a colour you weren't familiar with. You were too intrigued with all these new sights you didn't hear or see someone running towards you and enveloping you into a hug. You were stunned at first but soon smelt the familiar Cologne of your boyfriend Bellamy! You hugged him back as tight as possible,

"I thought they would have floated you, I'm so glad your here" he whispered into your hair, shedding a few tears

"I love you so much bell" You said pulling him down into a passionate kiss "how'd did you get here though, I thought it was only prisoners?" You asked leaning your forehead against his, stilling hugging him

" I had to do something terrible to be able do get on the dropship to be with you and O" he replied looking down ashamed,

"What'd you do bell" you asked lifting his chin up to look at you,

"I can't tell you right now ruby but maybe one day" he told you grabbing your hand and pulling you towards a patch of flowers. "Now let's relax and enjoy the ground" he said pulling you down to lay next to him on the flowers.

"i'm so glad your here" you said looking up at him,

"me too baby me too" he replied kissing your forehead. You stayed like that for the rest of the day talking endlessly and doing cute things 


i know its crappy but i hope you like it <3 

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