Finn - first date

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Date location -  ice skating 


For my first date with Finn he took me ice skating. When we arrived at the rink Finn opened my car door like a gentleman and laced his hands with mine as we walked in the rink to get the ice skates. 

"what size are you" he asked smiling 

"(Your feet size)" i replied going into my purse to get money to pay for them.

"no no no" Finn said placing his hand on mine "it's the first date i'm paying"

"are you sure?" i asked 

"yes now come get your skates on" he said smiling brightly, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a seat to put on our skates. Once i had the skates on i hopped up thinking it would be easy to walk in the skates but i thought wrong. I tripped waiting for the impact of the hard ground to come but it never did. I felt two strong arms wrapped around me, holding me up.  i looked up to see Finn 

"It's only be ten minutes into the date and your already falling for me" he smirked helping me stand up straight 

"sorry but i'm going to be falling for you a lot harder when we get on the ice" i smiled back blushing,

"i hope so cause so am i" he winked. We both helped each other walk out onto the rink. One of my hands where holding the wall while the other was laced into Finns. The both of us fell over many times trying to figure out how to actually skate earning laughs from one another. 

"i think we got this (Y/N)!" Finn announced excitedly "let's let go off the wall and skate!"

"are you sure?" i asked wearily 

"yeah! i'll catch you if you fall" he said starting to pull me further away from the wall

"well ok----- ahhhhhh" i screamed as i slipped over pulling Finn with me. he fell on top of me causing both of us to laugh our heads off. When we finally stopped Finn was looking deep into my eyes before he smashed his lips onto mine.

"i'm definitely falling for you" he said pulling away

"me too" i said before kissing him again. 

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