Imagine for thg_divergentdemigod Bellamy x nova

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imagine for Nova 


My leader Indra got instructions from Commander Lexa to train in the Skaikru camp as we had just became allies and with many protests from us we were now standing in their camp on the muddy soil, training by doing hand to hand combat with each other. Out of the corner of my eye i could see one of the Skaikru watching my every move intently. i finished off my opponent, making my way over towards the staring Skaikru man. 

"why are you watching me Skaikru" i scowled at him not caring what my commander thinks of them, i still hated them for what they did all those weeks ago,

"because you have amazing combat skills" he said ignoring my scowl "and i was wondering if you wanted to fight me" he said confidently

"okay Skaikru, but don't go off crying when i beat you" i said walking backwards to where i was fighting before confidently knowing he wouldn't be able to beat me, i beckoned for him to following. We both took our positions and the fight began, instantly getting the attention of many grounders and Skaikru and soon we were hitting and knocking each other to the ground. i was surprised at the amount of strength he had especially being from the ark where as i had been training my whole life, i was brought out of thought when his was fist was coming straight for my face, i ducked and punched him in the gut, he fell to the floor and i hopped onto him holding him down,

"you done?" i asked smirking,

"not yet" he said as he flipped me over and sat on top of me. i quickly reacted by kneeing him where the sun don't shine, he groaned and fell off me. i sat back on top of him smirking again

"how bout now?"

"yep definitely" he said groaning. i stood up and offered him a hand to get up which he gladly accepted. by now everyone had dispersed back to their duties. We were both bloody and bruised 

"you have potential" i said, wiping of some mud on my arms "what's your name?"

"Blake, Bellamy Blake" he smiled "and you?

"Nova" i replied "i can train you if you want?" i said hesitantly never thinking i would help these people.

"yes thank you" 

"your training starts now" i said pulling him towards a bunch of my people waiting at the gate to go on a hunting trip,

"you will come hunt with us" and with that we walked out of the gate getting a few disgusted looks from others,

"what are you doing with him, Nova!" i heard Indra yell at me,

"i am training him" 

"why!" she asked

"your the one who told me to let go of the past and help these people, so i am doing what you commanded" i said thinking of when my sister was killed in the fire the Skaikru had started.

"fine." she said with gritted teeth, "just don't get in our way" she spat at Bellamy.


We had been hunting for many hours making many kills to feed the people back at camp. To my surprise Bellamy had killed quite a few of them and my people were starting to warm up to him. I smiled at him using the sword i gave him kill another animal. He bought it over to one of my people who happened to be my brother and put it in the bag he was holding,

"you are doing well Skaikru" my brother said, "i can tell you will be a great warrior some day with my sister's guidance" he gestured towards me. 

"i hope so, your sister had been a wonderful teacher so far" he smiled towards me to which i returned. I never thought that i would be smiling at one of the murderers of my sister but it felt so right with him. We then started making our way back to camp but around half way there there was rustling in the bushes,

"Nova this is your kill" my brother said gesturing to the bush it was coming from. i walked slowly over to the bush with my sword drawn, when i was close enough i leaped into the bush with my sword above my head and brought it down deep into the flesh of the animal. but i was pulled down into the bushes by its razor sharp teeth.  I heard Bellamy call out my name. I was wrestling in the bush with the creature, it ripped my sword out of my grasp and started pulling me with its teeth deeply in bedded into my leg to a nearby cave. i moved my arm to a pouch on my hip where i pulled out a small dagger. i quickly threw it deep into the black panthers neck and it instantly fell to the ground with a loud squeak of pain.

"NOVA!" i heard my brother and Bellamy yell as they ran into the cave, Bellamy ran towards me and carefully place my head in his lap while my brother was checking out my wound,

"Nova you need to stay awake" Bellamy said concerned, watching my eye lids started to close slowly "Nova please"

"i can't" i said weakly,

"Bellamy we have no doctor, we can't help her" my brother said tears streaming down his face

"but we do, her name is Abby and she is part of Skaikru" Bellamy said picking me up carefully with my brother by his side as they both started running back to camp as quickly as they could. 

"Nova your going to be okay, your a warrior you can get through this" was the last thing i heard before everything went black


 i woke up with a unbearable pain in my leg and a Woman standing over me,

"Nova?" she asked 

"yes" i replied weakly

"how do you feel"

"shit, but alive" i said smiling a little,

"your going to be in pain for a little while, as we don't have any medication to stop it but you will live" she said 

"where's my brother and Bellamy" i asked not seeing them anywhere

"your brother had to go and help get all the food you left behind when you were injured and Bellamy is waiting outside. i can go get him for you if you want?" she asked 

"yes please" i replied, she walked out of the room and moments later Bellamy entered smiling at me,

"i told you, you would be okay" he said sitting next to me 

"thank you" i said smiling back

"for what?" 

"for saving me" i said,

"it was my pleasure" he said smiling again. i sat myself up ignoring the pain in my leg and wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, i was surprise at my actions but i felt him kiss back so i let myself melt into the kiss, i tasted the meat he had eaten earlier and the blood from not being able to wash himself in a while. I never thought in my life i would be kissing someone from the sky but here i was falling in love with Bellamy Blake.

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