4. Tenth Grade

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~4 Years Later~




I flicker my eyes open and look at my alarm clock. It was 7:10 am.

Crap, I'm late!

I jump out of bed and run to my bathroom. I brush my hair and teeth and put my hair in a side braid. I rush back to my room and put on a Panic! At the Disco shirt with ripped jean shorts and ripped black tights under those. I put on my grey knee high socks and maroon Doc Martins.

I jump a little and grab my backpack. I rush downstairs and stop on my heels when I see my dad. His back facing me he slowly turns to look at me.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" he says tapping his foot.

"Dad, I can explain", I say hesitantly.

"This better be good", he crosses his arms.

"I-I slept in late because I-I was up all night studying."

"Oh, really?"

I nod as I rub my arm nervously.

"You can't keep sleeping in late Tyler", dad says sighing.

"I know dad, I'm really sorry. It won't happen again."

"Don't promise something you can't keep. Now hurry up, Mark is waiting for you in the car. I nod and run away from him.

Now, my dad, he's a freaking pain sometimes.

Wait, I take that back. He's a pain all the time. You can't really expect him not to be a pain, ever since he became Iron Man; he's been stricter than he has ever been.

I jump into the car and smile at Mark. "Sorry to keep you waiting Mark", I say. He grunts at me and starts the car.


"Amelia!" Barry yells to me as I get out of the car. I look over to him and smile.

Barry is one of my best friends, I met him my first day of 6th grade. I wave to him and start to run to him.

"Hey Barry, how have you been?" I ask him as I sling my arm over his shoulder. He slightly chuckles at me and looks over to his left.

"Fine, I've just been watching Peter try talking to that girl over there", he says pointing over to my other friend, Peter.

Peter, he's kind of a dork, but I love him because of that. He has had this think for Maryjane for years. Maryjane looks down at her feet and I see her blush. She looks up and Peter smiles at her.

"Aw, he's so cute when he's being dorky", I joke.

"Come on, let's get to class. We can meet Peter there", Barry says. We walk into the school and take our seats in our Earth Science class.

Barry and I sit next to each other and keep a seat empty for Peter. Peter was always late for class yet managed to keep his grades up.

"So Amelia, we should totally go to your house sometime to hang out", Barry says.

"NO!" I say quickly.

Barry furrows his eyebrows at me. "What's up with you today, Mel?"

"Uh...nothing...I'm just not allowed to have people over my house."

"You're in tenth grade and you can't have friends over?"

"I-I'm sorry Bare, my father doesn't like the extra company. He can barely stand me", I say.

"Okay, how about you come over my house someday", he says, "My foster dad wouldn't mind..."

"I'd like that. I'll just have to ask."

"Amelia, you make me worry sometimes", he smirks at me and then looks away.


I open the giant doors and walk into my dad's lab to see him. "Hey dad", I say.

"Tyler! How was your day?" dad ask me.

"It was fine. My friend asked to come over today."


"Yeah, uh, but I told him you didn't like extra company."

"Good, they can't find out about you...or me."

"Dad, will they ever be allowed to know the real me?" I ask him sighing.

"Tyler, NO! That's never going to happen."

"But dad, you can't hide me away forever. What happens when I need to get a job and move out?"

"You don't need a job or house; you have me and my mansion!"

"What about my love life?! You expect me to die alone!"

"Tyler, like any other stereotypical father, you will most defiantly die alone, no boys for you."

"What about girls?" I ask him putting my hands on my hips.

He looks down at his desk and rubs his chin, then looks back at me. "No." he flatly says.


"Just go do your homework", dad says.

I grunt at him and go upstairs to my room.

I open my door and do the same thing I do every time I see it. I can't believe this is my room.

My black and purple bedding, my dark furniture, all my posters and monster doll collection. I loved my room, it matched my personality and I liked that. I jump onto my bed and smashed my face into all my throw pillows. My favorites were my TARDIS and Baymax pillows.

I rolled over and looked up at my celling. I remember taping my Three Days Grace and Panic at the Disco posters up there so I could look at them when I lay down.

I let out a sigh of relief and drifted into a tiny nap.

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