15. After That

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Barry and I walked out of the theater laughing our asses off. We had gone to see The Night Before. It was so good.

"Oh, and the part where Miley Cyrus was like 'Hannah'!" Barry laughed as he clutched onto his stomach. (A/N** I saw this and my name is Hannah so it made me happy. :P It was totally unexpected!)

"Awe, childhood", I said. We walked out of the theater and too the van that was parked in front of the theater.

"Well, let me bring you home", Barry says. I nodded and we hopped into his car.


We walked onto the front step of my house and Barry smiled at me. "That was really fun, Tyler", Barry said to me. I nodded and smiled back.

"Yeah, I had a great time. Who knew that movies were so amazing", I laughed.

"How often do you go to a movie theater?" Barry asks me.

"Not often. I think I've gone once, but we have one here and I don't have anyone to go with because I can't be seen with my dad, so I don't really have a reason to go", I sigh as I look down to my feet.

"Well, I loved it. I'm always up to going to the movies with you."

I looked up and glanced at Barry's soft green eyes. I don't know why but I just had the urge to-


~Tony's Point of View~

"Sir, Tyler is on the front porch", Jarvis said as the TV came out from the ceiling and showed me the front door's camera.

"Okay Jarvis...wait- what are they doing?" I said as I slightly stood from my desk to get a better look at the screen.

~3rd Person Point of View~

Tyler leaned in and Kissed Barry on the lips. Barry slightly jumped at the touch but placed his hands on Tyler's hips, moving her closer. His hands had moved up to her neck and cheek. Tyler brought her hands up and wrapped them around his neck. Barry bit her lip, asking for entrance she opened her mouth wider. After a few minutes they had broke the kiss, or well, they stopped making out. Tyler and Barry breathed heavily.

"Whoa", Barry sighed. His eyes wide.

"Oh...I, um- I didn't mean to-" Tyler didn't know what to say. They looked at each other. Their faces left shock until Barry brought a smile to his face.


~Tony's Point of View~

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yell to myself. "This is what I get for letting her hang out with boys!"

I stomped over to my office's door and swung it open. I marched to the front door and opened it. Barry and Tyler's heads turned in my direction. I wanted to play it cool, but that was not going to happen. Not now at least.

"Tyler, you need to get inside now! Barry...please just go home", I scoffed.

"Dad, it's not-" Tyler started.

"No! I don't care, just get inside!"

"Mr. Stark, I'm-"

"Mr. Allen, I suggest you leave before I get more angry."

"Right, sorry sir. Have a nice night", Barry said and walked away back to his car. I walked in with Tyler and closed the door.

"What the hell was that Tyler?!" I asked.

"I-it was nothing. I didn't mean to, I mean, how did you know?" Tyler asks me.

"I'm Tony freaking Stark and have camera's wired through this entire house!"

"You have camera's in the bathrooms?"

"Of course not! Tyler, that's fucking gross! But of course I have a camera at the front door! Why did you do -- that? Whatever that was!"

"I-I don't know...I just did", Tyler shuddered.

"Look, why don't you just go to your room, take a shower, cleanse yourself, that was just gross. Please just go", I said and sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Um...okay...Dad, I'm sorry", Tyler sighed and walked up to her room.


~Tyler's Point of View~

I walked into my room and lied down on my fluffy bed. I took out my phone and dialled Barry's number. I pulled it up to my ear and it rang.

No answer.

I slammed a pillow into my face and screamed. Why does this have to happen to ME?! I threw the pillow and it fell on the other side of my room. I got up and walked to my desk. There sat a photo, framed, of me, Barry, and Peter. The squad of freaking nerds. Would it have been different if I made out with Peter instead of Barry? Would my dad have reacted the same way? Why did he freak out over Barry so much? Was he just having a bad day? Most importantly...will Barry ever speak to me again?

A/N***What did you guys think? What are your predictions for the next chapter? I hoped you liked it! More to come! :) -H

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