10. MJ

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~Peter's Point of View~

I ran down the street and into an empty alleyway. I pulled up my sleeve to look at my wrist. There was a white blotch that resembled a spider web. What was going on with me? Maybe Tyler would know, or Tony...

I looked up and saw a spider crawling across its web at the corner of the building I was next to. I looked back down to my hand and saw tiny black spikes slowly forming from under my fingers.

Without thinking, I stuck one of my hands onto the wall, then the other and kept going. They were secure and pulling me up. I was somehow climbing on the completely flat wall. I looked down to see how far I went up without stopping.

"WOO WHO!" I screamed in excitement.

I climbed to the top of the building, running, than jumping onto the next building doing the same thing over and over yelling at the top of my lungs. I stopped when I made it to a main road. Could I make it? Could I jump that far with these...skills? Wait, I had those...webs or whatever they were. I could use those to jump.

I slowly moved my arm back and flung it, aiming at the building.


Nothing. Let's do this again.








With all the different things I did. Nothing. I put my hand into a rocker hand and tilt it back and forth stupidly.

What the heck. As I was about to give up I flung my hand one more time without saying anything and web shot out of my wrist. I DID IT!

I did it one more time, and it was still working. The third time I slung it and grabbed onto it. I got onto the ledge of the building and looked down. I could die. But I was gonna do it anyway. "Tally hoe", I say to myself.

I then jumped closing my eyes. Stupid idea, Parker.

Yelling as I swung, my eyes opened again and my feet fell to the top of the other building, but I couldn't stop. I then yelled one more time as my entire body made contact with a billboard. I slightly fainted and I let go of the web, falling down.


It was dark out now; I walked into my house to see paint supplies everywhere. I walked into the kitchen to see it painted. I totally forgot about painting the kitchen with Uncle Ben!

I walked to the sink to see a note. It read;

-Michael Angelo! Meat loaf and veggies in the oven-

I started to hear fighting. I looked up to the window in front of me to see Maryjane's parents fighting. I sighed and walked away to take the trash outside.

As I put the trash into the bucket outside, Maryjane stomped outside into her backyard with her arms crossed.

"Were you listening to that?" she asks me.

"No, no, I heard but I was just taking out the trash", I tell her as I put my hands into my pockets.

"I guess you can always hear us."

"Well, everybody shouts", I reassure her.

"Your aunt and uncle don't."

"They can scream pretty good sometimes", I say, "Listen, MJ, about today...at school with Flash."

"You really freaked us out."

"I'm sorry. Is he okay?"

"He's just happy you didn't give him a black eye for graduation."

She smiles at me and puts her hands into her long, grey, coat.

"So where are you going after you graduate?" she asks me.

"I, uh...I want to move into the city...hopefully get a job as a, uh, photographer. Work my way through college." She nods at me with a grin. "What about you?"

"I'm headed for the city too", she says, "Can't wait to get out of here. I wanna..."

"What? Oh come on, try me."

"I wanna...act...on stage."

"Really?" I ask and she nods. "Oh, that's perfect. You were awesome in all the school plays."


"Yeah. I cried like a baby when you played Cinderella."

"Peter...that was first grade..." she says with a straight face.

"Well, even so...sometimes...you know people...you can just see what's coming."

"What do you see coming for you?" she asks me.

I pause. "I-uh, I don't know. Whatever it is, something I've never felt before."

"And...what for me?"

I look at her and smile. "For you...you're gonna light up Broadway."

"You know...you're taller than you look", she says changing the subject.

"I hunch", I say.


A beep came from the other side of the houses. It was Flash.

"Hey MJ, come take a ride in my new birthday present", he says, "come on."

"I gotta go", she says to me and smiles.

"Bye..." I say as she runs off.

"Oh my god! It's gorgeous!"

I watch them from my backyard as they drive off. Why can't see be mine?

"Cool car", I say.


~Tyler's Point of View~

As I sat at my desk doing my homework my phone buzzes and I see that Peter was calling me. I picked up my phone and put it on speaker.

"Tyler?" he says.

"Peter! What the heck happened to you?" I yell.

"I-uh, it's hard to explain. Can I just show you?" he asks me.

"Whatever. Where?"

"My house, we can go somewhere from there."

"Okay, be there soon", I say and hang up. This guy has a lot of explaining to do!"

I grabbed my jacket and bag and walked out the door.

A/N***So this chapter was mostly about Peter and MJ. But still mostly Peter. Ha-ha. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment! Soon to come :)

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